World of Destiny

Click on image to purchase kindle version for $0.99,,,World of Destiny is about Trevor Sansing and his daughter, Sarah, who have survived the demise of most of Earth’s population. When they venture from their East Texas home, they are rescued/abducted by aliens and brought to a new world. They learn en-route that Connie Sansing, who was visiting neighbors when all this happened, was also picked up and brought to the same world. But they have no clue where she was taken on this strange planet. They have to find her. They learn that this new world is already sparsely populated by abductees that have been brought here over the last eighty years. Connie could be anywhere, and they have to find her. But they will need a guide. Without much choice, they are thrown in with a group of kids who were all born on this world. They reluctantly agree to let the Sansings tag along. The adventure begins and the search is on.
World of Destiny

Click on Image to purchase for $0.99,.. Reeling from the shock of unpleasant revelations and the dissolution of life as he knew it, Trevor and friends indulge in a quest of discovery on a newly discovered world. With their new friend, Mary, the whole Galaxy is theirs to explore. However, unfortunate events keep pulling them back to Earth and placing them in the forefront of uncontrollable turmoil in spite of their best efforts to just escape from it all.
World of Destiny

Trevor Sansing and his crew, of mostly young adults aboard the living ship they call Mary, have returned to the world they’ve named “Destiny”. Humanity is on the brink of extinction with only the Israeli population and small pockets elsewhere that have managed to survive the onslaught of the Asunimi on Earth. On Destiny, man’s survival has always been tenuous at best. Unexpected events on Earth had unnerved them all. Now, Trevor and his friends, only want a little R&R and are looking forward to some down time. For Trevor’s friends, Destiny is home. More and more, Trevor realizes that for him and his daughter, Sarah, Destiny has become “home” as well. However, as soon as they arrive, Mary receives a telepathic message from one of her companion ships. The message is simple, but Trevor is sure it can’t be right. It states simply, “WE HAVE FOUND GOD”.
World of Destiny Part 4: Repercussions

Sometimes, things come back to bite you on your backside. Trevor Sansing had a run-in with these red-eyed aliens once before. He thought he had seen the last of them. He was wrong. They have discovered a way to pass through the portals without suffering the psychological damage that happens to all non-telepathic beings who dare to enter there. They are obviously aware of Destiny’s location. And they are staging troops and material for an attack. Trevor knows they cannot be reasoned with. The question is what is there that the people of Destiny can do about it. Destiny is ill-prepared to fend off an invasion. Abandon Destiny and run for Earth? Earth isn’t much better off than Destiny. Someone needs to come up with a plan to meet this latest threat that has the potential of wiping out the small remnant of humanity barely surviving on Destiny. And Trevor fears they won’t stop there. Earth will be their next target.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Monday, August 5, 2013
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Dusting off old Memories
Rob's Poetry Page
It's sometimes difficult to be creative considering my circumstances. Life can be just too hard and so unfair. One thing being in the Army taught me was that no matter what, you push on. When you think you can't lift your leg and put one foot in front of another somehow you do. And you keep going. It's a lesson that has gotten me this far in life. And I will push on. But where the flesh is capable, sometimes the mind doesn't want to follow. My mind lately is in a fog giving my old nemesis, Despair, every opportunity to raise his ugly head. So, what might pour out of my besieged imaginings and spill onto this page may not be fit for all to read. So, for now, I may just hearken back to the days when creativity in me took the form of poetry. And feeble as my verse might be, I will share some of that with you instead. After all, it mostly has never seen the light of day. So what better time and place to air some of it out? So this is just me filling up space and dusting off old memories. I hope you don't hold it against me.
This first one is an old one written when my mind was questioning everything about the universe. I did a lot of meditating back then and turned my mind loose to explore. This was just my attempt to explain my frustration with not finding the answers.
Of This Time
Of this time here in this place.
Of this world amid this space.
Of this system in the universe
Maybe not the better; maybe the worse.
My mind stretching past the limits of me
My thoughts bouncing off the walls of eternity
Only to echo softly about the great within,
Back and forth, across, out, and up again.
Through the depths my lone shadow cast
Witnessing shimmerings of the past.
Dice being thrown are never revoked,
The future, always hidden, heavily cloaked.
The essence of my being is of the now
But, hopefully, enduring forever somehow.
I can't explain the things that are
Though my mind followed truth from star to star.
The answers eluded me out in the void;
Every trick I used it too employed.
Leaving me here so cold and alone,
Like a lonely planet with its life force gone.
This next one was written on a Monday...go figure. My job back then was boring and mindless. This is an example of crazy thoughts that go through your head sometimes but never get out there.
Monday Drab
Rainy day. Monday.
Now, like all the rest,
I can't find the will to go out
And do what I know I must;
Plod along like some mindless
Soldier - right, left, right, left,
Keep in step, sing in tune,
Can't afford to drive my car
In the middle of June.
Gas supply is short these days.
But so is life, my patience, my temper.
Bear-like prowling in the back of my mind
An idea is restless and wants to get out
And spring full blown into the light
With outrage and passion pouncing
On the first hapless person passing by.
Shaking them and screaming in their face
Be brave, be true, be different!
But, alas, I plod like all the rest
My face like theirs turning plastic
And Monday drab.
This one is obvious but written a long time ago...
When the night comes creeping in my ears,
I feel your cries and see your tears.
Death I know stands at your side
The pain in me, I cannot hide.
You were the sunshine of my days
Now I stumble through the haze.
My mind a prisoner in my head
Does battle with ravenous dread.
I cannot escape the things I know
They tear me asunder but never show.
With your touch you made me live
Leaving me now - nothing left to give.
My hands stretch in a heavenly direction
Begging God for your resurrection.
This one was written one day in school when I was thinking back on my days in the Republic of Panama. I was working full time and going to college full time. My family was stressed, to say the least. I think I already knew back then that the bad days would come.
Broken Man
When my love slipped away?
How did a young man
Finally, end up this way?
Always looking back
To see what wasn’t there.
What was my biggest lack
That led to such despair?
Perhaps did I walk
When I should have ran,
Back when I was just
A naïve young man?
Surely I certainly must
Have done things wrong
Whenever I was just
Living according to plan.
Where did my love go
That made me who I am.
Maybe she would know
How to fix a broken man.
Memory of her voice fades
My mind’s visage blurred.
Loss that hurts and degrades
Whispers no longer heard.
Even hope of fixing
Such a broken man
Is quickly mixing
With the hourglass’
Rapidly dwindling sand.
Each moment that passes
Threatens to be the last
In the long sad story
Of a very broken man.
The New Year
The future too quickly becomes the past,
Days march relentlessly towards the last.
Our lives bleeding out tiny drop by drop,
Dawning awareness can’t make it stop.
With the New Year, you can’t help but see
That, for us, forever was not meant to be.
Time doled out in the smallest measure
Like pirate’s gold a squandered treasure.
The best of it wasted on foolish things,
Youth prodded forward by its stings.
Oblivious of the glass and flowing sand,
Too late we all try to make our stand.
Hopelessly fighting with our last breath,
Vainly struggling against inevitable death.
No wonder autumn prays for hereafters,
Lifting trembling voices to the rafters.
Wiser on this first day of the New Year,
To face inevitable with no hint of fear.
And behold each moment that remains
Like cherished photos in golden frames.
This next one was written while listening to 50s and 60s music on the radio feeling nostalgic and longing for a dance partner who would not give up on me or die on me.
Dance With Me
I know that some of my poetry is rather dark and depressing these days. I apologize for that. But with so very little light shining in your soul, it is hard to create anything else. Anything sweet and uplifting just rings hollow to my ear these days and get's thrown in the trash. Maybe someday that will change, and I will be able to share it with you here. That is my prayer. But for now...this is what comes out. This next one is a sonnet...when was the last time you saw one of those?
This one mostly came in my head while a new girlfriend and I were sitting on my sofa watching a movie together. I was debating with myself as to whether or not I should give love one more chance. And decided the debate was a little too late because I had already fallen. Have no fear, it didn't last long and it was my last.
Do We Dare?
Ok...this next one is a song or a hymn actually. Poetic in a way I guess but meant to be sung. Hope you poetry fans don't mind me including it here.
Secrets Across Your Heart
This next one should be obvious for us Christians.
In my heart of hearts,
I feel you moving there
Changing all my parts
With gentle loving care
Making me out to be
The man you had in mind
Giving me ears to hear;
Opening eyes that were blind
Erasing every doubt and fear.
My future now has changed;
Exciting for me to behold
What works you have arranged.
A new life destined to unfold
According to your divine plan.
For the eternal and everlasting
Grace shed on a humble man,
Your praise I will forever sing
My Lord and new found King.
I love you Lord, and that is why
Patient, I remain for the day
When I see you above the sky
Come at last to pluck me away.
Ok, I admit it. Often my dreams aren't pretty. But in my defense I have sat and held the hands of two different women I loved with all my heart and soul, pass on into the next life. Undealt with emotions tend to be stuffed down deep inside and forgotten during the day only to come bubbling up in your dreams.
I know, I know...this theme is getting old. But what can I say? It's the only one that seems to inspire me lately. I've tried to write sweet and light but it always comes out sounding hollow to my ears and they get tossed.
Time swirls and eddies in my mind
Jumbling fears in a frightening storm
The fabric of reality begins to unwind.
But a hallowed image begins to reform
Pulling me out of my cold sweat alarm
To a place where I feel safe and warm
Like broken glass in a bright mosaic
A sharp command; each piece obeys it.
The assembled picture a familiar face.
Tugs at me, enfolds me in an embrace.
All time stands still in a frozen moment
With me where I belong in your arms.
My personal angel, you are heaven-sent.
Fear vanquished by your many charms.
But all time and storms must move on,
The dark clouds fade leaving me alone.
Sad happy tears rolling down my face,
My soul filled by love's ghostly embrace.
This one I wrote 04/23/2017 while at work sitting in a van doing nothing but being bored. It's not one of my better ones, but I decided to stick it here anyway just to save it. And the debate goes on.
To Love Again
How far would I go?
Would I run willy-nilly,
Or should I take it slow?
Would I act all silly,
Or be her steady friend?
Just how far should I go
If I want to feel it again?
Would I look into her eyes,
Searching to find her heart,
Comfort her when she cries
And swear never to part?
Or should I never again say
The words I long to hear?
"I love you in every way."
Could I say it without fear?
Or best to have loved and lost
Than to risk the awful pain
And not to count the cost
Of more love spent in vain?
A long history of pains
Defeats before I even start
Unable to let go the reins
And set free my lonely heart.
Desire to love once more
Is killing me slowly inside.
My love's ends from before
Say my heart, too, has died.
Yet I want to feel it all again;
Resuscitate to bring new life
To a loveless heart's domain.
Casting out fears and strife,
I know is what's called for.
But just how far would I go,
And dare I hope once more?
And should I even wish to be?
Risking it all to make it so?
Is it even still possible for me?
Heart aside, my mind says no.
Yeah, well, this next one needs no explanation. Sometimes my nemesis, Despair, gets the better of me.
Embracing a miserable lonely fate
Wishing I could just hibernate
With no hope of a warming sun.
This next one came to me while I was at work, sitting in a van watching it rain. It took me about 5 minutes to write this one. And just for the record, these things plus the love of God did work for me.
Letting Go
Letting go of the pain,
The journey begins
With an inch, not a mile,
With hope and friends,
You relearn to smile.
Reclaim your life
And your stolen past.
That's how it begins,
You must make it last.
Find your way into light,
Cast out night and dark,
Even with all your might
Unchain your broken heart.
Learn to love again -
The only way to come
Back out of the rain,
For all, not just some.
It is the only way to be free.
Now if it will only work for me.
I wrote this next one at work today (06/18/2017) when I was submerged in a reverie of a love I lost a long time ago. You know...on of those "what could have been" moments that us old folks fall into from time to time. I jotted down just a few squiggles on the back of one of our sign out sheets that turned into this when I got home....It's rough and needs work...but at least it will be here when/if I ever get in the mood to tackle it and polish it up a bit. This particular fish had a name, and her name was Nelwyn.
The One That Got Away
Love like a slippery fish
I hold on tight for the road I still must run.
Heads up, hold on, look out, here I come,
Despite the bumps, I'm on my way home.
This poem was written with my Mom in mind as she dwindled in her final year. It made me so very sad to see her that way. And so very afraid of a similar fate for me.
Oh well, this next one was a feeble attempt at writing something not quite so depressing.
Dance of Love
Dance with me a sweet love song
Sway to the music and sing along.
Move your feet with the beat
Whisper something soft and sweet
I wanna know who you really are
You know I’ve admired you from afar
Like a magnet, you drew me near
My trembling heart is filled with fear
You’ll say it’s funny the way he dances
Or make light of my circumstances
Can you feel my heart pounding?
Yes, I know how this is sounding
You must think such fear absurd
But I must beg for the last word
The presence of beauty so profound
Causes confidence to abscond.
But if you allow this man a chance
In the space of a single dance
To show you who I can be
Open your heart to the possibility
Of a future so filled with love
Expanding out to the stars above
Dance with me a sweet love song
Hold me close before the moment's gone.
Keepsake was written when I was just bored. Being retired is awesome, but also can get tedious at times. This is what happens when that happens.
This next one is a common theme for me. Like many people, I struggle during the holidays with depression. I don't know why. But it's kinda like when you're playing video games - the longer you play the more and better weapons you have to fight the battle with. I have two angels in heaven now on my side. And I have a pretty good relationship with the Big Guy up there. So, it's easier now to fight the dark forces with them at my side. Hope you like this one. This one is me missing Becky during the holidays.
And this one is in remembrance of mine and Linda's first date, marriage, breakup, and then remarriage 27 years later.
The Dove was written immediately after I got the news of my sister's death. With tears in my eyes, I looked out my bedroom window and saw this dove sitting in the tree. He was making cooing noises like he was trying to comfort me, and this poem sprang full-blown into my head.
The Dove
One dove sitting in my backyard tree.
My, I said, I wish I could see what you see.
But alas, said I, if only I knew how to fly.
Come said the dove, it’s not hard if you try.
The world is waiting, and the sky is free.
Leap into the air and fly away with me.
So, we two leaped into the air together
Into the bluest sky and nicest weather,
Soaring over the world without a care,
I looked and joyed at what I saw down there.
It’s all so beautiful, I shouted into the wind,
But the dove cried, look, please look again.
I opened my eyes and looked closer this time;
Everything was chaotic and all out of rhyme.
People were hurting and crying out loud,
With angry faces, they came in a crowd,
Fists in the air, shouting each other down.
I’d overlooked it when I was on the ground,
But from the sky above, it was oh so clear.
There was too much pain and too much fear
In the world for my heart to even bear –
Too much hate – too much, “I don’t care!”
It sent me in a tailspin back to the world,
And I asked the dove, why it unfurled
This way since the beginning of time?
And she said because they lost the rhyme
And the harmony God sent from above,
And they just no longer believe in love.
Then must we all die to make it right?
No, said she, leave the dark for the light.
He gave you love – love conquers hate.
Fill your heart - fly with me to heaven’s gate.
Love and joy overfilled me that day.
As I watched my lonesome dove fly away.
With so much beauty and so much grace.
Happy in her goal to reach God’s embrace.
Derailed Man
Nothing worked out the way I planned
Like a lost train, I’m a derailed man
Not sure at all which way I should go
Moving so damn fast or way too slow
My feet got tangled up in chains
Drop by drop all my blood drains
Until I’m a dusty husk the sun will dry
While all the pretty girls walk on by
I have more stripes across my soul
Than a red and white barber pole
Heart cracked like a broken mirror
I didn’t feel it when she came nearer.
But I saw her go and shake her head
Leaving me behind as already dead.
Why it went this way I don’t know
I never spent time mapping it so
Somehow the pieces fell together
A blade honed by a piece of leather
Cutting out around the edges
My strange history up it dredges
So, I ignore it just staring at the sky
While all the pretty girls walk on by
A rollercoaster ride in a lonely park
Are life’s peaks and valleys in the dark
But no longer will I ask myself why
All the pretty girls just walk on by.
Because I’ve had enough you see
Of this unmitigated catastrophe.
I’m calling an end to this lost game.
Start a new one with a new name
The pretty girl said as she walked by
What I must agree can it hurt to try
When the sound of a heart that shatters
Is heard by no one that matters
Because when it does, they are gone
And you’re left standing there alone
The pretty girls just keep walking by
Laughing at the silly tears you cry
So, name me Adam a brand-new man
Embarking today on a brand-new plan.
Comforting like a long-lost friend.
This next one is not (well, mostly not) the story of my life. I'm just trying something different here. Playing with a different rhyme scheme while still using familiar subject matter.
Cupid Beware
Where love will forever come to stay.
Ok, as you surely know by now, I often battle depression and despair and I have most of my life. So, these next two poems hit on that topic - one tragic and one hopeful.
For it was me who put me on this shelf.
This next one just sort of showed up in my head unannounced. I don't know where it came from. At least it's not about me for a change.
The Old Farmer
Paint drying, grass growing
Time, tick……tock…….slow.
Even without knowing,
He knows how this will go.
She is long gone for now,
And yet he lingers and wastes
Away like a frozen solid plow
Left out in his forgotten haste
On a desolate lonely field
After no one came for it
And it could no longer yield;
His duty forgotten bit by bit,
The lone farmer tucked away
In his cold and lonely bed
With no strength to even pray
For the love left in his head
Was absent from his heart
Long since melted and gone
Like old snow on a sunny day.
It still chilled him to the bone.
Even in his nightly dreams,
He let it all slip from his hand
While eerie crow’s screams
Echoed across empty land,
With no one there to hear.
No one sitting by his bedside.
No one there to quell his fear.
No comfort for when he cried.
Not even a shadow came near.
No hope of harvest in the spring.
The old farmer finally died
Still clutching her wedding ring
With her picture by his side.
This next piece just started out being a Facebook post. But then I noticed things were starting to rhyme. And I let it keep on going that way. I realized it could be displayed like a normal poem, but I wanted to leave it as a conversation instead. So, what do you think? Is it poetry, or just crazy talk?
The Time Machine in My Head
The time machine, that lives in my head, always wants to go back. Always back, never ahead. But what good would it do to change the things I messed up to something new? Would it turn my world upside down? Would it make it better? Would you still be around? Would I learn all the lessons that I did? Or would new ones keep the old ones hid? Would I still be who I am now if I could go back and change it all somehow? I'm not sure, and that's the thing. My life is finally off of that up and down swing. I'm fairly content with the way things are. Now I only want to see what the future might bring. As long as it doesn't take me too far from where you might be. So the present will have to do the way it is for me. Until I finally go to sleep at last, and awake with only vague memories of some future past. Living forever in the eternal now always, love and you filling up all my golden days. So, my time machine will stay where it is - I'll lock its door and be content with my decisions forevermore.
I was tired last night after a long day of just hanging out with friends. So, my muse must have been in a more positive mode for once. This came to me just as I was about to drift off to sleep last night (10/20/2019).
We Will Stand
How many people have to die
before you know the real reason why?
How many buildings have to
crumble and burn
before the bystanders will learn
that fake news fans the fire.
What will it take to call a liar a liar?
Or will you forever be blind
by propaganda and knee-jerk fear?
Will the truth ever become clear,
or is it too late for you now?
Will you just take a knee and bow?
With no dignity left at all,
will you just be a witness to the fall?
Sadly, it is too late for you now,
unashamed you did bow.
And we’ve all seen you take a knee
and bow down to the enemy.
With no hope left in our chest
that you won’t abandon all the rest.
We won’t shed tears for your loss
We will stand at all costs
Filling in the gaps that you leave
We will fight to achieve
liberty and a home for the free
as our forefathers meant this great
country to be.