Staring at a Blank
Piece of Paper
I haven’t written
anything in a while. This makes me nervous. I get an uneasy feeling like I am
neglecting something. It’s a feeling that I should be doing something important
instead of goofing off all day. But there is no one standing over me with a
whip. No one telling me I have to do it. I don’t punch a clock or answer to a
boss anymore. It’s not like I will or won’t get paid if I don’t write
something. So far my writing hasn't brought me fame or fortune. So why do I
bother? And why won’t this nagging feeling go away? Somehow, I do feel like I’m
letting someone down. I know some of you guys take the time to read what I post
on my blogs. And even a few of you have actually taken the time to read my
books. I’m grateful for that. And I guess part of it is that I feel like I’m
letting you down when I don’t write something. But it’s more than that. A big
part of it is that I feel like I’m letting myself down. I feel like writing is
my gift or God given talent that I’m squandering by not doing more with it. I
guess that’s the worse part, and the bit that nags at me.
My brother is an
artist. He is in fact a very talented artist. But he spends more of his time
painting signs rather than putting something brilliant on a piece of canvas. Of
course I realize that he has to pay the bills and that his art, like my
writing, hasn't done that for him. But there were times when I thought to
myself that he was squandering such a tremendous gift and talent and, in fact, I
have been guilty of telling others that my brother was wasting his talent. Part
of that I guess is that I am envious of his gift. If it was something he
inherited, those genes certainly skipped over me to get to him. I can’t draw a
stick man that even looks like a decent stick man. But I can’t point fingers at
him without realizing that I've been given a gift as well and haven’t done a
whole heck of a lot with it either. There are all kinds of excuses I could make
for this. But they would just be hollow excuses. All those years I let my gift
sit on the shelf, as it were, and gather dust. Now it’s almost too late to do
anything with it. After all, the human brain runs on borrowed time. My brain is
not as nimble and flexible as it once was. And it gets worse all the time.
Invention, writing, painting, music, sculpting, intuitive leaps in science are
mostly a young man’s game (and by man I mean it in the general sense including
both men and women in the term).
So if it is too late for me, why do I still
have this nagging feeling in the back of my mind? Is there something important
there wanting to get out? Is there something that at least one of you really
needs to see in writing to reaffirm or justify you in some way? Perhaps. Am I
being grandiose by even thinking such things? Does God work wonders through me?
Am I just an instrument whose strings are waiting for the right moment and
player to be plucked in just such a way as to render music such as has never
been heard before? I don’t know the answer to that. Where does imagination come
from? Where does inspiration come from? I don’t’ know the answers to those
either. But I do know that you can paint
just as brilliant a picture with words as you can with brushes and pigments. If
you look at the two book covers above, you will see paintings that were lifted
from the pages of my book and splashed upon a canvas. I thought my brother did
a marvelous job of capturing my words and giving them color.
But alas, he and I
are getting on in years. And if you asked either of us why we didn't do more
with our gifts, I’m sure you would get the same answer from us both. Life
happened. We were busy with the details and didn't take the time out to see the
bigger picture. Is it too late to change that? I hope not. I finally have the
time and not a lot of life going on that requires so much of me.
Now we come to my
point. Yeah, you knew there had to be one, right? What gifts have you been
given? And what have you done with them? Is your gift laying fallow waiting for
some far off spring before it can sprout and come to fruition? Have you put it
on a shelf promising yourself that you will make time for it “someday”? And don’t tell me you weren't given a gift. We
all have something that we’re good at. Something that we do just a little
better than everything else we put our hands to. There is always something that
gives us joy when we do take the time to indulge in it. Can you sing? Can you
play music? Can you dance? Can you show compassion for others? Can you heal
them when they are sick? Can you create characters on a stage that mirror us
all and teach us lessons? Can you fight…yes there is a time for everything in
its season. Can you lead or encourage and teach others how to use their gifts? What
is your gift? Think about it. And then think about what you've done with it
lately? One thing I've learned, unfortunately much too late, is that when we
spend time using and developing our gifts it is the time we feel more alive
than any other time in our life. If you've done like me, dust off your gift and
use it. Don’t wait until it is too late. Don’t let the details of a busy life
keep you from it. Find a way to work it in. Trust me, your life will be happier
and much more fulfilled if you do. And you won’t be plagued by a nagging
feeling that you should have done so much more with what you've been given.