World of Destiny

Click on image to purchase kindle version for $0.99,,,World of Destiny is about Trevor Sansing and his daughter, Sarah, who have survived the demise of most of Earth’s population. When they venture from their East Texas home, they are rescued/abducted by aliens and brought to a new world. They learn en-route that Connie Sansing, who was visiting neighbors when all this happened, was also picked up and brought to the same world. But they have no clue where she was taken on this strange planet. They have to find her. They learn that this new world is already sparsely populated by abductees that have been brought here over the last eighty years. Connie could be anywhere, and they have to find her. But they will need a guide. Without much choice, they are thrown in with a group of kids who were all born on this world. They reluctantly agree to let the Sansings tag along. The adventure begins and the search is on.
World of Destiny

Click on Image to purchase for $0.99,.. Reeling from the shock of unpleasant revelations and the dissolution of life as he knew it, Trevor and friends indulge in a quest of discovery on a newly discovered world. With their new friend, Mary, the whole Galaxy is theirs to explore. However, unfortunate events keep pulling them back to Earth and placing them in the forefront of uncontrollable turmoil in spite of their best efforts to just escape from it all.
World of Destiny

Trevor Sansing and his crew, of mostly young adults aboard the living ship they call Mary, have returned to the world they’ve named “Destiny”. Humanity is on the brink of extinction with only the Israeli population and small pockets elsewhere that have managed to survive the onslaught of the Asunimi on Earth. On Destiny, man’s survival has always been tenuous at best. Unexpected events on Earth had unnerved them all. Now, Trevor and his friends, only want a little R&R and are looking forward to some down time. For Trevor’s friends, Destiny is home. More and more, Trevor realizes that for him and his daughter, Sarah, Destiny has become “home” as well. However, as soon as they arrive, Mary receives a telepathic message from one of her companion ships. The message is simple, but Trevor is sure it can’t be right. It states simply, “WE HAVE FOUND GOD”.
World of Destiny Part 4: Repercussions

Sometimes, things come back to bite you on your backside. Trevor Sansing had a run-in with these red-eyed aliens once before. He thought he had seen the last of them. He was wrong. They have discovered a way to pass through the portals without suffering the psychological damage that happens to all non-telepathic beings who dare to enter there. They are obviously aware of Destiny’s location. And they are staging troops and material for an attack. Trevor knows they cannot be reasoned with. The question is what is there that the people of Destiny can do about it. Destiny is ill-prepared to fend off an invasion. Abandon Destiny and run for Earth? Earth isn’t much better off than Destiny. Someone needs to come up with a plan to meet this latest threat that has the potential of wiping out the small remnant of humanity barely surviving on Destiny. And Trevor fears they won’t stop there. Earth will be their next target.
Sunday, October 23, 2016
World of Destiny: Obligated to Explain My Own Crisis of...
World of Destiny:
Obligated to Explain My Own
Crisis of...: Obligated to Explain My Own Crisis of Faith There are usually two times when you experience a crisis in faith. The first ...
There are usually two times when you experience a crisis in faith. The first is when you first realize that it is all you can do to find meaning in life. You must choose to live by faith alone. The universe is not set up for you to be able to know without a doubt all its truths. And let me make it clear that I’m not just talking about religious faith here. Either way, you go is going to require a leap of faith. You cannot unequivocally know without a doubt that there is no God, and neither can you know without a doubt that there is. God set it up that way on purpose so you would have to choose to love him by faith that he exists without the proof of it. To believe the opposite requires faith as well. No, science has no way to prove there is no God no matter how much they wish it to be so. When I finally had to admit to that fact is when I had my first crisis of faith. I had put all my faith into believing that science could show me the way and the truth about life. And that I personally could come to that knowledge via my own intellect. I was devastated when I was proven wrong. I could not get there on my own. And science, with all their accumulated intellects, could not get there either.
Of course, I could have done like so many others do and just refused to think about it anymore. I could have submerged myself in day-to-day things and forgotten about the meaning of life or worry about whether there was a creator of everything. Well, theoretically I could have done that anyway. But I guess I’m just not that person. For several months, I was in crisis mode. I felt like I had come unglued from reality. So, I had to go that extra mile no matter how hard it seemed to me at the time.
You see, all my Christian friends had always quoted John 3:16 to me and assured me that all I needed was to have faith. To me that was nonsense. How could you have faith in something that you had already established you didn’t believe without proof. And, furthermore, how could I have faith when I had already discovered there was no proof forthcoming and there may never be any proof. Not possible, my mind screamed at me. I had read the Bible and many other religious teachings. I knew what they said was required to have faith. But I didn’t know how to do that. I was so conflicted at this point, that I nearly gave up on life altogether. I turned to drinking hoping to make it all go away. But it didn’t. The crisis drove me further and further into despair. And I became further and further away from any kind of resolution to the crisis I was in. After a few years of this self-destructive behavior, I ended up in the hospital not once but twice within a six-month period. My doctor told me I would die if I didn’t change my lifestyle and soon. Of course, I blamed my divorce for a lot of this. But deep down, I knew there was more to it than that. My divorce was yet another symptom and not the cause of the turmoil that was raging within me.
I listened to my doctor, finally, and quit drinking. Shortly after that, I moved to Tennessee. In Nashville, I started watching a certain preacher on TV who had a unique perspective on the Bible. I had to do so when my wife was not around because she didn’t want to hear any of it. She had rejected religion a long time ago and was not willing to discuss it at all. But this preacher answered so many questions that I had always had about things that bothered me about the Bible. So, one day, this all came to a head for me. I couldn’t stand beating myself up about it any longer. I decided to do a little experiment (yep, old habits die hard) and just suspend the brain and engage the heart. I wanted Jesus in my life because I had seen the difference belief made in some of my friend’s lives. I wanted what they had. So, I prayed. I threw open the doorway to my heart, and I kept telling my brain to shut the hell up.
This next bit is the part that everyone always has trouble describing. Until you experience it for yourself, you will remain skeptical. But this is how it was for me. I opened the door and He came in. No, it was not just wishful thinking and self-delusion. I’m very familiar with those things and this wasn’t it. The door didn’t just open, it burst in. Immediately, I was flooded with such a feeling of love and understanding that I found myself crying uncontrollably. There were two kinds of tears. One of complete joy that I had rediscovered Him at last. The other of sadness that it had taken me so long. And I say rediscovered because I realized that He was there all along. And also, that I knew Him before. I was at home at last. The first part is very emotional. But then, His peace embraced me. It is a peace that washes away all your doubts and fears. It is the most powerful moment in my life. And it changed me forever.
Was I made perfect at this moment? No way. Was my relationship perfect at this moment. No way again. Like any other human relationship it takes time and requires work in order to grow or it will wither on the vine and die. But I was patient and willing to work at it. I never wanted to be in a crisis like that again. Some people get on fire for God at this point and then burn out quickly. My walk with God has been slow and steady. I still have a long way to go.
For many, the next crisis in faith comes when they are tested. Sometimes, it’s just the realization that you are swimming upstream while everyone else around you is going the other way. Peer pressure can be a terrible thing. Satan is the perfect example of this. “Surely you will not die. You will gain knowledge and be like Gods. Don’t you want to be like everyone else?” he asks. Many of your so-called friends will do the same thing to you. They will ask, “Why do you deny yourself so many simple pleasures? I’ve done it and it hasn’t hurt me. You will still be the same person tomorrow as you are today. Go on. Try it.” Under constant pressure like this, many people cave. Broad is the path to destruction.
Another major test that causes a crisis of faith is when something truly tragic happens in your life. It can be triggered by a betrayal from a loved one or respected preacher, teacher, or friend. But for most of us, that tragedy occurs when someone we love dies. I’ve seen many who have struggled or lost their faith altogether when this happens. The first question they ask is always, “Why God? Why did you let this happen?” Unable to cope with the tragedy, they blame God for it. I’ve been through this twice, so I know a little bit about what I’m speaking of here. Grief is a hard thing to deal with. Always in the back of my mind, though, I remind myself that God is love. He doesn’t make bad things happen to people. But he did set up the universe in such a way as to give us free will. To maintain that, he cannot allow himself to reach in and control every aspect of life to make it perfect. Doing so would provide the proof of his existence and deny free will which enables you to choose to come to Him in love by your own choice. That is the purpose of life.
When a loved one does meet with what seems, and is, totally tragic to those left behind, remember that, if they are judged righteous by God(and all that takes is a little faith in Him), they are with Him. They are home. It is ok for you to miss them. But after the initial grief of their passing from us, we should rejoice for they are with the Lord. As Christians, it is the ultimate goal for any of us. And it is pretty selfish to prefer them to be here with us rather than in the arms of their Creator who loves them so much more. In reality, the rest of your life is only an eyeblink in time. If you remain true to your faith, you will be with them again soon enough. And this time it will be forever.
So to my way of thinking, the first crisis in faith is a desirable process and the second one is inevitable. Seeing how you respond to either is the purpose of life. Choose wisely. Strengthen your faith at every opportunity. Without faith, life has no purpose. Don’t believe me? Imagine a world where you have no faith and no trust in anyone. Not even your spouse, family, or friends (accepting that without faith you would probably have neither of these). What would be the point of such an existence? There was a point in my life when I was very close to that. And it was hell on earth for me. I would never go back to that point. Even if someone points a gun at my head and says, “Deny him or die” or “Convert or die.” I could never give up this faith even to save my own life.
So my friends, have a little faith. Take the leap. A blind man without faith will walk into a ditch. Using the key of faith, open your heart, and He will make all those ditches smooth for you to pass over unscathed. Once you can do this, your life will have purpose. You will fear death no more. The whole world can be at war, but you will have peace. I’ve lived the alternative and it is not pretty. Love and prayers for all my friends and family whether they’ve taken the leap or not. God be with you.
Sunday, October 9, 2016
Rude Awakening
I will be so glad when that fateful day finally comes. I hope it will be sooner rather than later. The day I speak of is Awakening Day. When that time comes there will be a new division in our calendars. No longer will A.D. stand for “Anno Domini” or the Year of the Lord. So many people are asleep or under strong delusion. I often get frustrated talking to them. You cannot wake them up no matter what truths or great secrets you reveal to them. They simply shake their heads and smile as though they have pity for you because you can’t be asleep like they are. They rejoin the herd and laugh at you behind your back. Baaa, baaa, baaa! They bleat, then they go back to their eating and sleeping, oblivious once again.
They say ignorance is bliss. Maybe it is – I guess. But I’ve never experienced a day of that particular kind of bliss. My inquisitive mind forbids such joy. Don’t get me wrong here. I make no claim to higher intelligence by saying so. I’m not the smartest guy around by no means. Never have been. But my mind is kind of like when you have a sore and you can’t stop picking at the scab even if you make it bleed again. Once I’m aware of a problem or a mystery, I can’t let it go and just forget about it. Some people can. When I get frustrated because there are no good answers, I sometimes get jealous of those kinds of people. I’ve always been open-minded and awake to the possibilities.
My father had an innate intelligence that he passed on to all of his children. But it was my mother who opened my mind one rainy day a long time ago when I was bored having to stay in the house. She handed me a sci-fi book and said, “Here, read this and you won’t be so bored.” Read a book? I didn’t like reading books at school. Why would I want to read one on purpose at home? I’ve heard it claimed that LSD expands your mind. That first sci-fi paperback book was my LSD and one of the reasons I was able to grow up during the ‘60’s and 70’s without ever having a desire to experiment with mind-altering drugs. My mind was forever altered that fateful rainy day to the point I was never even tempted to try anything else.
Since then, my appetite for the otherworldly, bizarre, paranormal, outrageous ideas, or theories has never been appeased. Sci-fi is a very good teacher. I don’t mean that pure fantasy stuff that shares the shelves with sci-fi at the bookstore. Although that too can broaden your perspective if it’s really good fantasy like The Lord of the Rings. These days, you see a lot of military sci-fi on those shelves as well. That can be fun, but I just can’t except that every alien race we run into will want to exterminate us. Real sci-fi is full of possibilities and eye opening imaginings. Chief among those is that the really, really, different, physiologically speaking, can just be people too. Bigotry has no place in sci-fi.
So with a steady diet of amazing ideas and possibilities poured into my little pea brain over the last 60 years it is no wonder that I have always been open-minded, to say the least. Add to that my stubborn streak that won’t let me leave a trail once I’ve picked up a scent, and you get a very eclectic brain chocked full of all kinds of interesting tidbits. Now sci-fi is the teacher who took me by the hand and said, “what if?” But I didn’t stop there. I read everything I could get my hands on about cosmology, science, religion, philosophy, etc. trying to find the answers to those big “what if?” type questions. I picked at those big questions until I made them bleed. And that was before the internet showed up. Now online, I can follow rabbit trails until I almost drown in the possibilities. But what I’ve come to understand is that I’ve only scratched the surface so far of what’s really out there. The overwhelming conclusion I came to a long time ago is that there is so much more to “reality” than I could ever imagine or dream of. And I can imagine some pretty strange stuff for sure. Reality is even more strange and wonderful than even my two heroes, Robert Heinlein or Isaac Asimov could dream of.
I have also become aware that there is a tremendous amount of info about what’s out there that our own governments are hiding from us. I know what a lot of it is through my persistent digging. Much of this info would be shocking, even paradigm shifting, to a lot of folks who are, at the moment, oblivious. The sheep could not handle it at all. Our governments have been using a tactic to ridicule anyone who comes forward with this information for years. They’ve put partial truth’s out there in plain sight in movies, TV, and magazine articles. When someone says I’ve seen this or I believe that, then they just point to said movie or article and suggest the person has been influenced by pure fiction they’ve seen previously and is sadly mistaken. Now, however, the cat is about to escape from the bag, as it were. So to ease the shock, they are publishing more and more of the truth. They do this in the hope that we won’t totally freak out when the truth is no longer deniable because we’ve been exposed to a lot of it in movies and such. That’s their hope anyway. I’m here to tell you that most of you will freak the hell out!
I won’t be the one sitting here telling you I told you so. I’m the one who can’t wait to get out there and get at the truth. So as soon as our government does have to own up to what they know and have been hiding from us, I’m off to explore new worlds and new kinds of people. My mind will have been well prepared for it. I sincerely hope that when that very Rude Awakening does come, you will be ready for it too. I’m afraid, however, that many will stuff their fingers in their ears and squeeze their eyes tightly shut rather than face up to the fact that we are not alone and never have been. And don’t worry…God is still in charge. But he has a much, much bigger ocean for you to swim in than the little, tiny fish bowl you’re accustomed to. I pray that, instead of a Rude one, it will be a Happy Awakening Day for you all.
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
World of Destiny: Apocalypse Now This day was inevitable. I...
World of Destiny:
Apocalypse Now This day was inevitable. I...: Apocalypse Now This day was inevitable. It was prophesized. Even psychics like Nostradamus and Edgar Casey predicted ...
Apocalypse Now
This day was inevitable. It was prophesized. Even psychics like Nostradamus and Edgar Casey predicted it. So why are we surprised that it is finally here? Almost everyone can sense that it is near. The headlines and internet are screaming it constantly like Chicken Little proclaiming that the sky is falling, the sky is falling. We’ve heard it so much that frankly we’ve become desensitized to it. Yeah, yeah, Chicken Little, we heard you the first time. And we merrily go about our business, we watch Walking Dead on TV like its survival training, we worry about the latest Kardashian fiasco like it’s somehow more important, and we madly text in our votes so the “right” person will win American Idol. No one has time for the end of the world. We’re all too busy with other things.
From what I’ve seen lately, there are four kinds of people, or should I say, people have four different ways of dealing with the apocalypse. There are those whose address will always be in Egypt somewhere in the great state of DeNile aka denial. It’s a place they moved into a long time ago and are never coming back. It’s kind of like Never-Never Land actually. They feel safe there so that’s it for them. They don’t even want to talk about it and will shut up their ears with their fingers if pressed.
Then there are those that are sure that the end is coming someday. Just not anytime soon. At least not while they are still alive because that would be an awful inconvenience to them and their agenda. Thirdly, are the ones who think it is very close, but they don’t have to worry about it either because they are going to get whooshed out of here before it all goes bad in what they call the Rapture. The way I see it, you have to be pretty arrogant to think that you deserve such special treatment when so many have been severely persecuted for their faith and been martyred because of it. There are many even today who are being persecuted and made to suffer severely or beheaded for their beliefs. Where is their Rapture? Where was the rapture of the saints being fed to the lions or hung on posts and burned alive to light Nero’s garden? Or what of the many thousands who were crucified? Are we better Christians than they were so we shouldn’t have to suffer as they did? I’m sorry but I just don’t buy it.
Lastly, there are those who believe the end is near and embrace it open armed. Let it come. The world will be cleansed of all evil and life will be so much better after the apocalypse. I’m not sure that I fall into this category or not. I’m one that just sighs and says, “Oh, well, whatever may be will be. I’m ready for anything.” There is a subset of this group that not only welcomes the apocalypse but is actively trying to make it happen. Those scare me a little. I’ve always been a little leery of self-fulfilling prophecies. These are prophecies that someone makes and then they or someone else causes the prophecy to come true. The original author of the prophecy can then point to it and say, “See, I predicted it, and I was right all along.”
Let me, for a moment, put on my prophet hat and make a few predictions of my own. I must say that God has not whispered in my ear and foretold just how things are going to happen and asked me to share that knowledge with you. Most of what I’m saying comes instead from clues on the nightly news and the internet. So take it with a grain of salt. First very soon now there’s going to be a near total collapse of our economic system. If you want to see how bad that can be, just watch the news about Venezuela or Brazil. It will be bad. It’s already happening in those countries and it will spread. Our banks are bankrupt and have been for some time now. The only thing keeping their doors open is the government borrowing money from the fed at a prodigious rate and giving it to them. We have no stockpile of gold left as a safety net. China owns a great deal of what used to be ours to the point where we now have to pay them, on our debt to them, with real estate in this country. They own most of the ports now and toll bridges and roads across the country. When you pay a toll, China gets the money. Fort Knox is empty folks and has been for a while.
The way we got out of depression the last couple of times was a World War. I’m not so sure this is going to happen to the extent it did before. The U.S. is trying desperately to provoke a war with Russia. But so far, Putin has not taken the bait. He’s smart enough to know what’s going on and what’s at stake. Will the U.S., then, take the initiative and commit a first strike against them? Hard to say. I have my doubts because we want to maintain the illusion that we are the good guys trying to right the wrongs in the world. In fact, most of those wrongs were caused by us and our meddling. Americans don’t want to hear that, but it is the truth. Of course, there is always the tried and true False Flag operation to get things going. I wouldn’t be surprised to see this happen---again. 9/11 was such a false flag operation.
But the Bible does say there will be wars and rumors of wars. But it cautions, “Fear not, for the end is not yet.” I think that, if Putin really wanted a war with the U.S., he would strike now. Not at our troops that have his country almost completely surrounded. We are spread too thin and have left the homeland pretty much wide open. Over the top of the world through our northern border or into Alaska and it would pretty much be up to our civilian militias to defend us. I just don’t think the time is right yet for the biggie i.e. Armageddon. When it does come, you better be ready. This time, it will be like in the civil war…in your towns and streets. And it won’t be pretty.
Right now, as I write this, the governments of Germany, The Czech Republic, and Norway are recommending that everyone prepare to shelter at home and have at least 3 weeks of food and water stored up. Obama has said as much as well, although if you take his advice, I wouldn’t advertise it. He has already reserved the right to confiscate anything you do store up.
Now the big one. Do I think the Lord is coming back soon? I almost think it’s unavoidable at this point. Either it’s when and how He had it planned all along, or we’re going to force His hand.
So, with all that said, what do we do about the apocalypse? Well, folks whether by Devine intervention or man-made disasters, it is upon us. I’m of course solidly in the Devine intervention camp because at least for me, being a Christian, there is a happy ending. On the other hand, if the apocalypse is totally man-made, then there is not much chance of getting out of it alive. If you did, survival would be such a nightmare that only a crazed Mad Max type would want to go through all that.
My advice to you, in light of all this, is to get right with God. Don’t think to wait until the train is leaving the station. The door might get slammed in your face. After all, He said He was coming like a thief in the night. For those of you who believe everything the government tells you, at least prepare for the worst. Store provisions and get yourself in shape to do battle. You will be called upon to defend yourself and your family. Take some of your money out of the bank and hide it at home---under a mattress, if you don’t have a safe. Once the system starts to collapse, you won’t be allowed to do that. If you have already invested in gold or silver, then you are ahead of the rest of us. Good luck trying to spend that anywhere that still has food to sell, though. And that’s happening soon my friends, sorry to say. For those of you still honorary citizens of Egypt…well just go about your merry way and don’t worry about a thing.
Thursday, June 9, 2016
The Right To Die
I recently went to a movie with my lady friend and saw Me Before You. It’s a thoroughly enjoyable Hallmark (up to a point) type movie. The main character Lou (Louisa) is very eclectic in her personal style and completely charming in her outlook on life. So much so, that she eventually charms even the wheelchair bound, moribund man, Will Traynor, she has been hired to attend to. Will is completely paralyzed from the neck down due to a road accident. He has made up his mind to die and had given up on life altogether. In comes Lou and, for a time, Will’s gloomy outlook is abated. But only for a time. Will, you see, has promised his parents to stick around for six months only, then he will end his own life. In spite of his newfound love for all things Lou, Will carries out his original plan.
Of course, assisted suicide is not legal in England, so Will must travel to Switzerland to end it all. Until I saw this movie, I wasn’t aware that assisted suicide was legal in any country. After the movie, I looked it up and discovered that it is indeed legal in Switzerland, The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, as well as in Quebec, Canada, and in the U.S. states of Oregon, Washington, Vermont, California, Montana, and New Mexico…so far. I know this subject has been debated for years engendering strong feelings on both sides of the argument. I must admit that I have very mixed emotions about this topic and am not sure which side I come down on.
I know that religion has taught us that suicide is self-murder and therefore a sin. I’ve even heard it said that if you did such a thing, you would go straight to hell. I’m not one of those. For one thing, we are told not to judge. Such things fall into the domain of God’s will and not ours. We are also taught that there is only one unforgivable sin, and this is not it. So who knows? I guess it would depend on where you’re at with your relationship with God. But two different times, I’ve been at the bedside of two women that I loved dearly and held their hands until they took their last breath. Both women were very spiritual, and both would have gladly taken the option of assisted suicide if it had been available to them given the amount of suffering they had to endure during the last days and weeks of their lives. The question is what would I do if I were in a similar situation?
The older I get, the more I wonder about that. I’ve visited a nursing home several times recently. Sometimes I think that anything would be better than the kind of miserable existence I see some of those unfortunate folks having to tolerate. Of course, some of them are so out of it that they are pretty much unaware of their surroundings and even who they are anymore. So sad to witness, and scary to think that I might end up that way someday. Faced with such a prospect, I’m not so sure that I could completely rule out assisted suicide. Of course currently, such an option is only available, here in the U.S., for those in their right mind who have been given less than six months to live. In the movie, Will was under no such diagnosis. In the other countries listed above, voluntary euthanasia is permitted as long as you are competent to make such a decision for yourself. My wife that died from pulmonary fibrosis and my wife that died from pancreatic cancer were both given less than six months to live. I know for a fact, that given the option, they would have taken it.
If I were in Will’s predicament, I think I would have stuck it out a little longer. My father was wheelchair-bound for the last four years of his life, and I’m pretty sure he too would have ended it sooner if he could have. If I found myself suffering the way my loved ones did, I’m not so sure I could resist the urge to end it all given the option. My greatest fear is that I too will be faced with such painful things to consider and to endure someday in the not so distant future. My greatest nightmare is that I will be shoved into a nursing home and neglected for years until I finally die completely unaware. I find it a complete irony that life can be too short and too long at the same time.
Given what I’ve had to witness in my life, is it wrong for me to pray to God to either take me first or take us all and soon? I don’t know if I have it in me to sit and watch even one more of my loved one’s last moments. They say that time heals all wounds. And that God fills any void in your soul. Jesus has been my comfort and motivator to keep me going forward for sure. But I can tell you from experience that grief is a great pit at the bottom of my soul that threatens at any given moment to suck me into its abysmal darkness. Therefore, I so look forward to the joy of the next life. For the joy has pretty much gone out of this one. At least for now, Texas doesn’t have a law legalizing assisted suicide. So, no matter what, I will have to suffer on. And I promise to do so with a smile on my face…at least most of the time.
Saturday, April 30, 2016
Time to Think
For some unknown reason, I’m feeling very philosophical today. Maybe, like my Mom used to say, it’s like someone walked over my grave. Not that I plan on having a grave mind you. Cremation seems to be the way to go these days. So maybe someone stepped in some of my ashes, in the hopefully distant future, which causes a ripple in time that I’m just now feeling? Time. I’ve always been fascinated by the concept. I know that time travel is not possible, at least not in my lifetime. If it were, I would have already come back and visited myself to deliver that most important of all messages – “No! Don’t do it!” But I haven’t, so it isn’t. Which means I must muddle through making uncorrectable mistakes all along the way – then, now, and in the future. Pity. Because there are so many of them I’ve already made that I would rush to correct.
And knowing that, you would think that I would have learned by now to be more careful in my actions and deliberations. So that I might learn to avoid future mistakes which will inevitably result in equally just as bad or worse consequences. You would think. But I’m afraid that this is not the case. One might ask, “What’s wrong with me?” But the better question is what’s wrong with mankind in general? We don’t seem, as a species, to be able to learn from history or our own bad decisions. We just keep making the same ones over and over again. Are we insane? After all, that is pretty much the definition of insanity where you keep doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result somehow.
As for me, I can look back at my own past and pinpoint, with laser-like accuracy, right where I went wrong each time I made a whopper of a bad choice. And looking back now, I promise myself I’m never going to do that again. And how many times have we all told ourselves we are never going to do that again. Then we just go and do the same thing again the next time we find ourselves in a similar situation? I used to work with a man that would come to work every Monday morning hungover and suffering miserably because of his weekend binge. He would tell me, “Oh, Robert, I’m never going to drink again. I feel like I’m dying.” The next Monday he would mutter the exact same words while holding his head in his hands with bloodshot eyes, swearing to me and God that he meant it. So what’s wrong with us?
Is man flawed to the point where there’s no way he should be held accountable for his own actions? Should we all “cop an insanity plea?”
Looking at history you could make a good case for it. Even reading the Bible you can make a case for human insanity. I mean just how in the world could those Hebrews remain so stiff-necked in the face of so much evidence and fulfilled prophecy of their wrongdoing and impending doom that befalls them every time they don’t listen? How many times does God have to hit you/me over the head with our own stupidity before we finally get it?
Wars and rumors of wars. Sometimes when you look back at human history, it just seems like a story of one battle after another. For what purpose? Power, glory, resources, territory? The usual suspects. But all of those reasons are meaningless to the dead who fought in those wars. And equally meaningless to all the eventual dead who were victorious in them. If you look back at the very earliest maps of the world and then compare them to all the subsequent maps throughout history you would see how boundaries, countries, and kingdoms have come and gone, risen and fallen, changed and even disappeared entirely over the generations. Has any of that been worth it? Why is it inevitable that we fight wars? And with modern weapons, the consequences are even more severe. So I have to ask again, are we insane? Looking on the internet, today I saw so many youtube videos about the impending WWIII. Complete and utter insanity! Does humanity have a death wish? Do we all somehow sense that we are not worthy of continued existence? Maybe. Will the Cosmos miss us when we’re gone? Not likely. Does the insane asylum morn empty rooms?
But I for one have a ray of hope in all this. I am flawed. I can’t fix that, though I give it my best shot. Humanity as well is flawed. And no matter how far we’ve come – no matter how tremendously civilization has advanced, yet we still insist on shooting ourselves in the foot. There always comes that final moment of realization when you deeply and earth-shakenly come to understand that you can’t get out of this alive. And that none of your victories, glory, power, or territories will ever save you from that. Life is fleeting. Death comes quickly for us all. And because of all of my/our mistakes we don’t really deserve anything more than its dark finality.
But there is hope. My God promises me that through one little simple act of faith, I can be redeemed and given the free gift of eternal life. What kind of lunatic would pass that up? “Er, no thanks, Lord. I think I’ll just submit to death and darkness. Or worse yet, to hell fire because I’m stubborn and don’t want someone telling me how to live.” Are you insane? Oh, yeah, we established that already. But as for me, my lunacy is telling me to grab on to any ray of hope in this malevolent maelstrom of insanity we call life and hold on for all I’m worth. And that’s exactly what I intend on doing. For all the rest of you, I will pray that somehow that little ray of light manages to stab deep enough into your worldview to cause you to take a knee and not go into that darkness without a struggle.
Monday, March 21, 2016
Lesser of Two Evils
Once again it seems we will be presented with the choice for the highest office in the land where we will have to choose between the lesser of two evils. I can hardly remember a time when it wasn’t so. Choosing between good and evil is a no brainer for me. Why can’t just once we see a Presidential election like that? Now you can’t really sit there and tell me that there is no qualified, decent, no closet full of skeletons, upright, human beings left in this country that could possibly be put forth to run things in this great nation? Tell me it ain’t so! If that were true, then why hasn’t the fire and brimstone, that overthrew Sodom and Gomora, happened here. Lord for the want of fifty good men will you not spare the country? Nay Lord for even one righteous man? And if there is only one, then why isn’t he being put forward to be President instead of the likes of Donald Trump or Hilary Clinton?
I personally think that early on we had a couple of good men running for President on both sides. But our system is set up to weed them out quickly. Could it be that we simply like to watch the spectacle of our great nation being run by fools, lunatics, or downright scoundrels? Say it ain’t so. But, sadly, there’s all the evidence that this must be the truth of it. Satan must be laughing all the way to the soul bank. It’s a win-win scenario for him. Once again we will get a fool presiding over the sad destruction of so many thousands of unborn children. And over the virtual enslavement of the majority share of our country’s citizens. And over the total mismanagement of our economy to continue the on-going syphoning of our wealth to disappear not only into their own deep pockets, but to who knows where else. Surely, you don’t believe that those trillions of dollars were spent on your welfare, your roads, your schools? Money spent on even our highest bastions of learning nowadays produce illiterates that barely have the skills to play video games and very little else. What passes for education today shows little return on the dollars we throw at it?
Of course, there are the millions and billions that are allegedly going to a military budget that is more than all the other military budgets in the world combined. That much we know to be fact. But doesn’t our current military really reflect this? No, not really. Our military spending still only accounts for a fraction of the national debt. So where’s all the money going? That’s a good question. But I fear you’re not ready to hear the answer just yet. Neither will the next President of the U.S. be ready to hear it and will not be told on inauguration day or any other day for that matter what happens to it. If he makes too big of an issue about it, well then someone will probably come in and show him the Kennedy assassination video and remind him or her again of who put them there in office and how easy it would be to get rid of him or her. And the theft will continue unabated.
So how did a once great nation founded on such lofty principals and ideas fall into such a cesspool of greed and corruption? Was it a slow decline down a slippery slope? Or perhaps a quick little push by someone behind the scenes when no one was watching? Can you point to a turning point and say this is when it happened, and it has been all downhill ever since? Some would say that the Kennedy assassination was such a turning point. They say that it was a successful coup that took over the government by those who have never relinquished its grip on the reins of power since that fateful day in Dallas.
I’m not one of those naïve enough to think that was the beginning of it all. Not long after George Washington graced the Presidential office things began to take a wrong turn. But what started out as a slow roll down a gentle slope has turned into a runaway train headed for a cliff. It is my theory that earlier corruptions where the machinations of greedy men who have always been there stealing our wealth in this country and every other one before. These are the so-called Illuminati determined to rule the world by hook or crook and have been doing a bang up job of making most men’s lives miserable ever since the early days of the ancient mystery schools. These are foolish, greedy men, who think they can create heaven on Earth if only they had enough money. But there’s never enough, and they end up creating hell on Earth instead.
No my friends, our turn from the same old path happened about the time of the Manhattan Project. Our fate was sealed when those first two atomic bombs hit Japan. After which we were forced to make a deal with the devil rather than face our own quick demise. Trust me there is no such thing as a good devil and a bad devil. A devil is a devil, and we should have no commerce with such. Once you have, there is no going back.
So back to choosing our next President. Do you hold your nose and flip a coin? I say what difference does it make? The lesser of two evils is still evil, and will bring us in the very opposite direction from where we all agree we want to go. In making that choice between two evils doesn’t that make you complicit in the outcome? In fact, it's exactly that which is the reason most folks don't vote at all. Can you complain when things go the way they always have? Or do you sit idly by and wait for the next four years dreaming that there might actually be a beneficial alternative being groomed in the wings? I’ve been telling myself that ever since I was old enough to vote and haven’t seen it happen yet, people.
So for what it’s worth, I will bravely give you what little wisdom I’ve gained over my many years of contemplating such things. Trust me when I say, I wish I had better news for you who think we can make do until something better comes along – the holy grail as it were – a good decent man or woman sitting in the White House oval office. Joyfully, the grail is safely ensconced back in its rightful place in the tabernacle of heaven. My advice then is this; Given such a world we find ourselves in now and, with the choices we have before us, you better start thinking about the next world. Because I’m very afraid, dear ones, that this one is already lost. And no matter which Joker you put in the oval office, our fate is sealed.
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
The End Game
I’ve neglected my blog long enough. I’ve been away from it due to a lack of internet connection. Yes, that is possible in this day and age, and it is also survivable believe it or not. Did I go on a religious sabbatical or something? Sometimes it felt like that. Did I get in touch with Mother Nature while I was off the grid? Well I did get a bad case of poison ivy this past summer. Does that count? Did I go on some kind of World Traveling Vision Quest? Well, I did spend a lot of time driving back and forth between Mauriceville, Tx and Port Arthur, Tx (approximately 33 miles one way). I did read a lot of books and spent way too many hours playing some offline games on my computer. I spent way too many hours alone considering I was supposed to be in a relationship. So suffice it to say, that chapter in my life is over, and it is time to move on.
While I was away, the world kept on rolling along. It has a habit of doing that. Sometimes, I wish it would just stop and let me get off. Hadn’t happened yet, though. So what is the State of the Game these days. To tell you the truth, when I look around it can be downright scary. But you know I’m not usually one of the Doom and Gloom crowd. But it’s becoming increasingly difficult to remain that way. Wars and rumors or wars. In Mathew Chapter 24, Jesus says, “ And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.” Whew, that’s good to know. Because it seems like we are just one wrong move away from total annihilation. Without any internet, I watched a lot of what passes for News on TV and listened to a lot of talk radio. The political situation in this country could not get any more bipolar if they tried. The left has gone bat-dung crazy and the right is like a snarling beast tearing itself apart. The Libertarian in me knows that its all just a dog and pony show and the whole game is rigged anyway. Don’t believe me? Then tell me how Berny Sanders can beat the pants off of Hillary vote wise but end up almost as a no-show when it comes to delegates. They keep saying that politics is a blood sport. Might as well be. Give ‘em all a sword and let them go at it. Last person standing gets to be President. That’s how it worked in King Arthur’s day. Might get more people to pay attention that way and pull them away from Survivor or American Idol at least for just a bit.
The Dumbing down of America is in full swing for sure. How depressing to see all our tax dollars wasted just to create a bunch of zombies that can’t even tell you who the Vice President is or what countries were involved in the American Revolution. It appears our kids are smarter going in to school than they are when they come out. Sad, Sad, Sad. And look at them all jumping on the Berny Sanders bandwagon just because he tells them he’s going to give them everything for free. They ought to all be required to go to the library (if they can find it) and look up Socialism and see how well it works now and in the past. Of course that won’t help much because, even if someone does point the way to the library, they wouldn’t be able to read all those big words in those books that don’t even have any pictures. But here’s a clue for them. Nothing is Free….Ever!!!!!! And if someone in the government uses the word free – RUN!
So just how evil is the real government of the world? Beyond belief. Here’s a few of their pet projects just to give you a clue: Population reduction (think about all the new virus’ that keep popping up in the third world where birth rate is out of control – HIV, swine flu, bird flu, Ebola, Zika, etc. ) Biological Warfare (yes it is a never ending project kept mostly under wraps), weather control (meant to fix but is having just the opposite effect), mind control (trust me they’ve made great leaps on this one), self-actuating drones and robots that pick their own targets without human input (DARPA going all in on this one since American’s have gotten squeamish about putting “boots on the ground”), and then there’s the CIA that is always meddling in all foreign government’s affairs and we wonder why they hate us so. Then there is that whole resource thing with the Four Horsemen not caring how they are destroying the planet just so they keep their stranglehold on the world’s oil. They’ll take us all down rather than give up one ounce of control over “their” black gold.
But you tell me
Over and over and over again my friend
Ah, you don't believe
We're on the eve of destruction
Over and over and over again my friend
Ah, you don't believe
We're on the eve of destruction
I Believe we’re just about there. So do a lot of people apparently. Sunday in church, though, our Pastor made the statement that no one wants to go right now. He said that none of us were ready. I raised my hand and had to disagree. I’m ready. Bring it!
I faced the last year without the internet. I can face anything.
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