World of Destiny

Click on image to purchase kindle version for $0.99,,,World of Destiny is about Trevor Sansing and his daughter, Sarah, who have survived the demise of most of Earth’s population. When they venture from their East Texas home, they are rescued/abducted by aliens and brought to a new world. They learn en-route that Connie Sansing, who was visiting neighbors when all this happened, was also picked up and brought to the same world. But they have no clue where she was taken on this strange planet. They have to find her. They learn that this new world is already sparsely populated by abductees that have been brought here over the last eighty years. Connie could be anywhere, and they have to find her. But they will need a guide. Without much choice, they are thrown in with a group of kids who were all born on this world. They reluctantly agree to let the Sansings tag along. The adventure begins and the search is on.
World of Destiny

Click on Image to purchase for $0.99,.. Reeling from the shock of unpleasant revelations and the dissolution of life as he knew it, Trevor and friends indulge in a quest of discovery on a newly discovered world. With their new friend, Mary, the whole Galaxy is theirs to explore. However, unfortunate events keep pulling them back to Earth and placing them in the forefront of uncontrollable turmoil in spite of their best efforts to just escape from it all.
World of Destiny

Trevor Sansing and his crew, of mostly young adults aboard the living ship they call Mary, have returned to the world they’ve named “Destiny”. Humanity is on the brink of extinction with only the Israeli population and small pockets elsewhere that have managed to survive the onslaught of the Asunimi on Earth. On Destiny, man’s survival has always been tenuous at best. Unexpected events on Earth had unnerved them all. Now, Trevor and his friends, only want a little R&R and are looking forward to some down time. For Trevor’s friends, Destiny is home. More and more, Trevor realizes that for him and his daughter, Sarah, Destiny has become “home” as well. However, as soon as they arrive, Mary receives a telepathic message from one of her companion ships. The message is simple, but Trevor is sure it can’t be right. It states simply, “WE HAVE FOUND GOD”.
World of Destiny Part 4: Repercussions

Sometimes, things come back to bite you on your backside. Trevor Sansing had a run-in with these red-eyed aliens once before. He thought he had seen the last of them. He was wrong. They have discovered a way to pass through the portals without suffering the psychological damage that happens to all non-telepathic beings who dare to enter there. They are obviously aware of Destiny’s location. And they are staging troops and material for an attack. Trevor knows they cannot be reasoned with. The question is what is there that the people of Destiny can do about it. Destiny is ill-prepared to fend off an invasion. Abandon Destiny and run for Earth? Earth isn’t much better off than Destiny. Someone needs to come up with a plan to meet this latest threat that has the potential of wiping out the small remnant of humanity barely surviving on Destiny. And Trevor fears they won’t stop there. Earth will be their next target.
Monday, March 21, 2016
Lesser of Two Evils
Once again it seems we will be presented with the choice for the highest office in the land where we will have to choose between the lesser of two evils. I can hardly remember a time when it wasn’t so. Choosing between good and evil is a no brainer for me. Why can’t just once we see a Presidential election like that? Now you can’t really sit there and tell me that there is no qualified, decent, no closet full of skeletons, upright, human beings left in this country that could possibly be put forth to run things in this great nation? Tell me it ain’t so! If that were true, then why hasn’t the fire and brimstone, that overthrew Sodom and Gomora, happened here. Lord for the want of fifty good men will you not spare the country? Nay Lord for even one righteous man? And if there is only one, then why isn’t he being put forward to be President instead of the likes of Donald Trump or Hilary Clinton?
I personally think that early on we had a couple of good men running for President on both sides. But our system is set up to weed them out quickly. Could it be that we simply like to watch the spectacle of our great nation being run by fools, lunatics, or downright scoundrels? Say it ain’t so. But, sadly, there’s all the evidence that this must be the truth of it. Satan must be laughing all the way to the soul bank. It’s a win-win scenario for him. Once again we will get a fool presiding over the sad destruction of so many thousands of unborn children. And over the virtual enslavement of the majority share of our country’s citizens. And over the total mismanagement of our economy to continue the on-going syphoning of our wealth to disappear not only into their own deep pockets, but to who knows where else. Surely, you don’t believe that those trillions of dollars were spent on your welfare, your roads, your schools? Money spent on even our highest bastions of learning nowadays produce illiterates that barely have the skills to play video games and very little else. What passes for education today shows little return on the dollars we throw at it?
Of course, there are the millions and billions that are allegedly going to a military budget that is more than all the other military budgets in the world combined. That much we know to be fact. But doesn’t our current military really reflect this? No, not really. Our military spending still only accounts for a fraction of the national debt. So where’s all the money going? That’s a good question. But I fear you’re not ready to hear the answer just yet. Neither will the next President of the U.S. be ready to hear it and will not be told on inauguration day or any other day for that matter what happens to it. If he makes too big of an issue about it, well then someone will probably come in and show him the Kennedy assassination video and remind him or her again of who put them there in office and how easy it would be to get rid of him or her. And the theft will continue unabated.
So how did a once great nation founded on such lofty principals and ideas fall into such a cesspool of greed and corruption? Was it a slow decline down a slippery slope? Or perhaps a quick little push by someone behind the scenes when no one was watching? Can you point to a turning point and say this is when it happened, and it has been all downhill ever since? Some would say that the Kennedy assassination was such a turning point. They say that it was a successful coup that took over the government by those who have never relinquished its grip on the reins of power since that fateful day in Dallas.
I’m not one of those naïve enough to think that was the beginning of it all. Not long after George Washington graced the Presidential office things began to take a wrong turn. But what started out as a slow roll down a gentle slope has turned into a runaway train headed for a cliff. It is my theory that earlier corruptions where the machinations of greedy men who have always been there stealing our wealth in this country and every other one before. These are the so-called Illuminati determined to rule the world by hook or crook and have been doing a bang up job of making most men’s lives miserable ever since the early days of the ancient mystery schools. These are foolish, greedy men, who think they can create heaven on Earth if only they had enough money. But there’s never enough, and they end up creating hell on Earth instead.
No my friends, our turn from the same old path happened about the time of the Manhattan Project. Our fate was sealed when those first two atomic bombs hit Japan. After which we were forced to make a deal with the devil rather than face our own quick demise. Trust me there is no such thing as a good devil and a bad devil. A devil is a devil, and we should have no commerce with such. Once you have, there is no going back.
So back to choosing our next President. Do you hold your nose and flip a coin? I say what difference does it make? The lesser of two evils is still evil, and will bring us in the very opposite direction from where we all agree we want to go. In making that choice between two evils doesn’t that make you complicit in the outcome? In fact, it's exactly that which is the reason most folks don't vote at all. Can you complain when things go the way they always have? Or do you sit idly by and wait for the next four years dreaming that there might actually be a beneficial alternative being groomed in the wings? I’ve been telling myself that ever since I was old enough to vote and haven’t seen it happen yet, people.
So for what it’s worth, I will bravely give you what little wisdom I’ve gained over my many years of contemplating such things. Trust me when I say, I wish I had better news for you who think we can make do until something better comes along – the holy grail as it were – a good decent man or woman sitting in the White House oval office. Joyfully, the grail is safely ensconced back in its rightful place in the tabernacle of heaven. My advice then is this; Given such a world we find ourselves in now and, with the choices we have before us, you better start thinking about the next world. Because I’m very afraid, dear ones, that this one is already lost. And no matter which Joker you put in the oval office, our fate is sealed.
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