World of Destiny

Click on image to purchase kindle version for $0.99,,,World of Destiny is about Trevor Sansing and his daughter, Sarah, who have survived the demise of most of Earth’s population. When they venture from their East Texas home, they are rescued/abducted by aliens and brought to a new world. They learn en-route that Connie Sansing, who was visiting neighbors when all this happened, was also picked up and brought to the same world. But they have no clue where she was taken on this strange planet. They have to find her. They learn that this new world is already sparsely populated by abductees that have been brought here over the last eighty years. Connie could be anywhere, and they have to find her. But they will need a guide. Without much choice, they are thrown in with a group of kids who were all born on this world. They reluctantly agree to let the Sansings tag along. The adventure begins and the search is on.
World of Destiny

Click on Image to purchase for $0.99,.. Reeling from the shock of unpleasant revelations and the dissolution of life as he knew it, Trevor and friends indulge in a quest of discovery on a newly discovered world. With their new friend, Mary, the whole Galaxy is theirs to explore. However, unfortunate events keep pulling them back to Earth and placing them in the forefront of uncontrollable turmoil in spite of their best efforts to just escape from it all.
World of Destiny

Trevor Sansing and his crew, of mostly young adults aboard the living ship they call Mary, have returned to the world they’ve named “Destiny”. Humanity is on the brink of extinction with only the Israeli population and small pockets elsewhere that have managed to survive the onslaught of the Asunimi on Earth. On Destiny, man’s survival has always been tenuous at best. Unexpected events on Earth had unnerved them all. Now, Trevor and his friends, only want a little R&R and are looking forward to some down time. For Trevor’s friends, Destiny is home. More and more, Trevor realizes that for him and his daughter, Sarah, Destiny has become “home” as well. However, as soon as they arrive, Mary receives a telepathic message from one of her companion ships. The message is simple, but Trevor is sure it can’t be right. It states simply, “WE HAVE FOUND GOD”.
World of Destiny Part 4: Repercussions

Sometimes, things come back to bite you on your backside. Trevor Sansing had a run-in with these red-eyed aliens once before. He thought he had seen the last of them. He was wrong. They have discovered a way to pass through the portals without suffering the psychological damage that happens to all non-telepathic beings who dare to enter there. They are obviously aware of Destiny’s location. And they are staging troops and material for an attack. Trevor knows they cannot be reasoned with. The question is what is there that the people of Destiny can do about it. Destiny is ill-prepared to fend off an invasion. Abandon Destiny and run for Earth? Earth isn’t much better off than Destiny. Someone needs to come up with a plan to meet this latest threat that has the potential of wiping out the small remnant of humanity barely surviving on Destiny. And Trevor fears they won’t stop there. Earth will be their next target.
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
World of Destiny: Apocalypse Now This day was inevitable. I...
World of Destiny:
Apocalypse Now This day was inevitable. I...: Apocalypse Now This day was inevitable. It was prophesized. Even psychics like Nostradamus and Edgar Casey predicted ...
Apocalypse Now
This day was inevitable. It was prophesized. Even psychics like Nostradamus and Edgar Casey predicted it. So why are we surprised that it is finally here? Almost everyone can sense that it is near. The headlines and internet are screaming it constantly like Chicken Little proclaiming that the sky is falling, the sky is falling. We’ve heard it so much that frankly we’ve become desensitized to it. Yeah, yeah, Chicken Little, we heard you the first time. And we merrily go about our business, we watch Walking Dead on TV like its survival training, we worry about the latest Kardashian fiasco like it’s somehow more important, and we madly text in our votes so the “right” person will win American Idol. No one has time for the end of the world. We’re all too busy with other things.
From what I’ve seen lately, there are four kinds of people, or should I say, people have four different ways of dealing with the apocalypse. There are those whose address will always be in Egypt somewhere in the great state of DeNile aka denial. It’s a place they moved into a long time ago and are never coming back. It’s kind of like Never-Never Land actually. They feel safe there so that’s it for them. They don’t even want to talk about it and will shut up their ears with their fingers if pressed.
Then there are those that are sure that the end is coming someday. Just not anytime soon. At least not while they are still alive because that would be an awful inconvenience to them and their agenda. Thirdly, are the ones who think it is very close, but they don’t have to worry about it either because they are going to get whooshed out of here before it all goes bad in what they call the Rapture. The way I see it, you have to be pretty arrogant to think that you deserve such special treatment when so many have been severely persecuted for their faith and been martyred because of it. There are many even today who are being persecuted and made to suffer severely or beheaded for their beliefs. Where is their Rapture? Where was the rapture of the saints being fed to the lions or hung on posts and burned alive to light Nero’s garden? Or what of the many thousands who were crucified? Are we better Christians than they were so we shouldn’t have to suffer as they did? I’m sorry but I just don’t buy it.
Lastly, there are those who believe the end is near and embrace it open armed. Let it come. The world will be cleansed of all evil and life will be so much better after the apocalypse. I’m not sure that I fall into this category or not. I’m one that just sighs and says, “Oh, well, whatever may be will be. I’m ready for anything.” There is a subset of this group that not only welcomes the apocalypse but is actively trying to make it happen. Those scare me a little. I’ve always been a little leery of self-fulfilling prophecies. These are prophecies that someone makes and then they or someone else causes the prophecy to come true. The original author of the prophecy can then point to it and say, “See, I predicted it, and I was right all along.”
Let me, for a moment, put on my prophet hat and make a few predictions of my own. I must say that God has not whispered in my ear and foretold just how things are going to happen and asked me to share that knowledge with you. Most of what I’m saying comes instead from clues on the nightly news and the internet. So take it with a grain of salt. First very soon now there’s going to be a near total collapse of our economic system. If you want to see how bad that can be, just watch the news about Venezuela or Brazil. It will be bad. It’s already happening in those countries and it will spread. Our banks are bankrupt and have been for some time now. The only thing keeping their doors open is the government borrowing money from the fed at a prodigious rate and giving it to them. We have no stockpile of gold left as a safety net. China owns a great deal of what used to be ours to the point where we now have to pay them, on our debt to them, with real estate in this country. They own most of the ports now and toll bridges and roads across the country. When you pay a toll, China gets the money. Fort Knox is empty folks and has been for a while.
The way we got out of depression the last couple of times was a World War. I’m not so sure this is going to happen to the extent it did before. The U.S. is trying desperately to provoke a war with Russia. But so far, Putin has not taken the bait. He’s smart enough to know what’s going on and what’s at stake. Will the U.S., then, take the initiative and commit a first strike against them? Hard to say. I have my doubts because we want to maintain the illusion that we are the good guys trying to right the wrongs in the world. In fact, most of those wrongs were caused by us and our meddling. Americans don’t want to hear that, but it is the truth. Of course, there is always the tried and true False Flag operation to get things going. I wouldn’t be surprised to see this happen---again. 9/11 was such a false flag operation.
But the Bible does say there will be wars and rumors of wars. But it cautions, “Fear not, for the end is not yet.” I think that, if Putin really wanted a war with the U.S., he would strike now. Not at our troops that have his country almost completely surrounded. We are spread too thin and have left the homeland pretty much wide open. Over the top of the world through our northern border or into Alaska and it would pretty much be up to our civilian militias to defend us. I just don’t think the time is right yet for the biggie i.e. Armageddon. When it does come, you better be ready. This time, it will be like in the civil war…in your towns and streets. And it won’t be pretty.
Right now, as I write this, the governments of Germany, The Czech Republic, and Norway are recommending that everyone prepare to shelter at home and have at least 3 weeks of food and water stored up. Obama has said as much as well, although if you take his advice, I wouldn’t advertise it. He has already reserved the right to confiscate anything you do store up.
Now the big one. Do I think the Lord is coming back soon? I almost think it’s unavoidable at this point. Either it’s when and how He had it planned all along, or we’re going to force His hand.
So, with all that said, what do we do about the apocalypse? Well, folks whether by Devine intervention or man-made disasters, it is upon us. I’m of course solidly in the Devine intervention camp because at least for me, being a Christian, there is a happy ending. On the other hand, if the apocalypse is totally man-made, then there is not much chance of getting out of it alive. If you did, survival would be such a nightmare that only a crazed Mad Max type would want to go through all that.
My advice to you, in light of all this, is to get right with God. Don’t think to wait until the train is leaving the station. The door might get slammed in your face. After all, He said He was coming like a thief in the night. For those of you who believe everything the government tells you, at least prepare for the worst. Store provisions and get yourself in shape to do battle. You will be called upon to defend yourself and your family. Take some of your money out of the bank and hide it at home---under a mattress, if you don’t have a safe. Once the system starts to collapse, you won’t be allowed to do that. If you have already invested in gold or silver, then you are ahead of the rest of us. Good luck trying to spend that anywhere that still has food to sell, though. And that’s happening soon my friends, sorry to say. For those of you still honorary citizens of Egypt…well just go about your merry way and don’t worry about a thing.
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