A Brief Little History Lesson
I would never dream of denying the wrong the Europeans and later self-styled-Americans did to the "Native" Americans. It was attempted Genocide plain and simple, and we broke every treaty we ever made with them. What the diseases brought over from Europe didn't finish off, we tried to kill off with Winchester rifles. The only justification for it was that they were inhabiting a land that the immigrants wanted. The incoming peoples outnumbered them tremendously after millions died from European diseases they had no ammunity to. And it was indeed shameful and even a horrible atrocity what was done to them. Today’s Americans, however, can’t be held accountable for what our great grandparents did. We can be held accountable for how we are treating those groups of people now.
But there are a couple of misconceptions going on here as well that I would like to address. First, they weren't native to this continent at all. They were just the latest migration of peoples that had displaced (killed off) the people they found here when they got here. Did you know that when you do DNA tests, you won't find that your great grandmother was Native American, even if you know she was? This is so because her DNA is the same as some European or Asian people groups that she was descended from. Did you also know that the Cherokee Indians, when tested for DNA, were found to be descendants of the Hebrew people? One of the ten "lost tribes" of Israel perhaps?
Did you know that there were stone age type peoples living from the top of North America all the way down to the bottom of South America before the "Native" Americans showed up? Did you know that many of those were giants of at least 8 to 12 feet tall (some of Goliath's kin maybe)? Do you see any of those giants still walking around? No. And that’s mostly because the giants were killed off by the influx of old world peoples (the giants reportedly had a nasty habit of cannibalism so they had to go). The ones who did the killing then were those same people later called "Native Americans". But some of the other cave dwellers were probably mostly assimilated...maybe.
History is what it is, and it's not always pretty. Mistakes are always made and the point of studying history is that we learn from those mistakes and don't make them again. Sadly, we don't seem to be capable of learning that lesson. History is so full of repeats that it's disconcerting to think about.
And by the way, people, there is no such thing as different races in the world. There is only one race of humans on this planet currently. And that’s the human race. So, get rid of that prejudice right now and maybe some of the killing of our fellow humans will stop. And finally admit there are no people groups in the world now or in the past that do not have blood on their hands. Since Cain, man has always been a killer. And we get better at it all the time. Want to change the world? Change that one fact right there and then we will be getting somewhere. Where to start? Look in the mirror.
Now for more frightening news, look at what's going on today. Massive migrations of peoples brought on by prejudice, more killing, and war. I don't believe in karma as a blind force of nature. But someone who does might be able to make a strong case for some overwhelming karma headed straight for Europe and America via the Muslim influx. Can history repeat itself? It can, it has, and it will if we let it.