World of Destiny

World of Destiny
Click on image to purchase kindle version for $0.99,,,World of Destiny is about Trevor Sansing and his daughter, Sarah, who have survived the demise of most of Earth’s population. When they venture from their East Texas home, they are rescued/abducted by aliens and brought to a new world. They learn en-route that Connie Sansing, who was visiting neighbors when all this happened, was also picked up and brought to the same world. But they have no clue where she was taken on this strange planet. They have to find her. They learn that this new world is already sparsely populated by abductees that have been brought here over the last eighty years. Connie could be anywhere, and they have to find her. But they will need a guide. Without much choice, they are thrown in with a group of kids who were all born on this world. They reluctantly agree to let the Sansings tag along. The adventure begins and the search is on.

World of Destiny

World of Destiny
Click on Image to purchase for $0.99,.. Reeling from the shock of unpleasant revelations and the dissolution of life as he knew it, Trevor and friends indulge in a quest of discovery on a newly discovered world. With their new friend, Mary, the whole Galaxy is theirs to explore. However, unfortunate events keep pulling them back to Earth and placing them in the forefront of uncontrollable turmoil in spite of their best efforts to just escape from it all.

World of Destiny

World of Destiny
Trevor Sansing and his crew, of mostly young adults aboard the living ship they call Mary, have returned to the world they’ve named “Destiny”. Humanity is on the brink of extinction with only the Israeli population and small pockets elsewhere that have managed to survive the onslaught of the Asunimi on Earth. On Destiny, man’s survival has always been tenuous at best. Unexpected events on Earth had unnerved them all. Now, Trevor and his friends, only want a little R&R and are looking forward to some down time. For Trevor’s friends, Destiny is home. More and more, Trevor realizes that for him and his daughter, Sarah, Destiny has become “home” as well. However, as soon as they arrive, Mary receives a telepathic message from one of her companion ships. The message is simple, but Trevor is sure it can’t be right. It states simply, “WE HAVE FOUND GOD”.

World of Destiny Part 4: Repercussions

World of Destiny Part 4: Repercussions
Sometimes, things come back to bite you on your backside. Trevor Sansing had a run-in with these red-eyed aliens once before. He thought he had seen the last of them. He was wrong. They have discovered a way to pass through the portals without suffering the psychological damage that happens to all non-telepathic beings who dare to enter there. They are obviously aware of Destiny’s location. And they are staging troops and material for an attack. Trevor knows they cannot be reasoned with. The question is what is there that the people of Destiny can do about it. Destiny is ill-prepared to fend off an invasion. Abandon Destiny and run for Earth? Earth isn’t much better off than Destiny. Someone needs to come up with a plan to meet this latest threat that has the potential of wiping out the small remnant of humanity barely surviving on Destiny. And Trevor fears they won’t stop there. Earth will be their next target.

Friday, September 28, 2018

How Are We Doing?
  When I was still in school, Port Arthur, Texas was still a segregated community. I had the occasion to see and interact with different groups of people through my father’s work as a police officer. He often brought me with him to work when he was a desk sergeant in the Port Arthur PD. On a Friday or Saturday night, what I saw and learned there left a lasting impression. I saw the public face of the police department, but I knew the private one. And the two were nowhere near the same. My own father was a very bigoted person. And at the time, I didn’t even know what that word meant. Please, don’t get me wrong, he wasn’t the only adult I knew of that was like that. And I just knew that the way he acted towards other racial groups publicly was nowhere even close to what he expressed to me in private.
  I must admit here, that as a youngster, I was very naïve about the world and how it works. I read all the time. And for me, the world should be like those fantasy worlds I read about. To discover that it wasn’t like that, was a shocker and an eye-opener to me. I was one of those kids that was always asking, “Why? or Why not?” In the science fiction books that I read, people came in all colors, shapes, and personalities. Science fiction asked you not to judge who were “people” and who wasn’t based on their looks at all. Instead, you were expected to judge them solely on their personalities and actions alone. They could be blue aliens or little green men, or even giant preying mantis type beings and still be “people” as long as they behaved in an acceptable manner.
  But Friday and Saturday nights at the police station, I saw that this wasn’t the case in the real world. For the life of me, I didn’t understand why not. The first opportunity I had to actually talk to and interact with a person with very much darker skin than my own, was when I was about ten-years-old. A black man, whom my father dealt with, owed him some money. To help pay off his debt, my father allowed the man’s wife to come and help with chores, including doing windows, around our house because my mom was pregnant yet again. I don’t remember the lady’s name now. But she was outside on a ladder washing the windows one day, and I was standing there watching her. My curious mind wanted to get to the bottom of why I wasn’t supposed to like her based on her skin color and nothing else.
  I was born with a fairly dark complexion. And during the long, hot Southeast Texas summers, I got very dark. The black lady on the ladder, finally noticed me standing there watching her. She smiled and said, “Boy, you better get out this hot sun before you get as black as me.” And then she laughed with a very genuine and friendly laugh that put me very much at ease.
  As I was very shy when I was young, I had problems talking to anyone. But for some reason, her laughter made my shyness go away. I told her that I didn’t care how dark I got and that it was like that every summer. I asked how come she was working on our house. And she explained to me what the situation was. I think I sat there talking to her for about thirty minutes before my dad came out and told me to go play and quit bothering her, so she could get her work done. Even though he never said it to me, I got the distinct impression that he didn’t approve of me talking to the woman at all. And again, I couldn’t understand why not. I thought the lady was nice and funny. I liked her. At that time in my life, I couldn’t say that about too many adults at all.
  From that day until my senior year in high school, I had no other interaction with anyone of color other than one of my best friends who was Hispanic. Back in those days, the Hispanic invasion of our southern border hadn’t happened yet. And the few Hispanics here, could probably trace their heritage back to before the Alamo. Even so, I saw first hand how some folks viewed even him when I heard them calling him “Spic” behind his back. Then in my Senior year, it happened. They mandatorily enforced “racial integration” of our schools. I remember, just before that school year started, everyone was bracing themselves for the violence that such a move might ignite. It had in many other parts of the country. I heard my friends and family members speak in hushed tones about how awful it was going to be, and how we all had to watch each other’s backs.
  Then the big day came when they bussed over approximately one hundred students from the black community into ours. It was obvious that everyone on both sides was uncomfortable with the situation at first. But nothing really happened because of it. No riots broke out. No fights. After a couple of weeks, it was just a bunch of kids trying to make it through the rigors of high school in one piece. My own experience during my senior year was that I made several new friends from the wrong side of the railroad tracks, and I got labeled a “n….r lover” by many of my white classmates. But in my case, I was always on the outside looking in. Hey, I was already the guy who hung around with the Hispanic guy, so I didn’t have much to lose. And my social standing could not have fallen any further down than it already was. So, it hardly phased me at all. But other than a few racial slurs, I have to say that our community handled the situation much better than some others elsewhere in the country were doing at the time.
  After graduation, I worked for a year at a job on Houston Avenue in downtown Port Arthur. I was the only white boy in a completely black neighborhood. And I have to say that I never felt threatened or discomforted because of my skin color in that part of town back then. I even walked several blocks through town every day to go to lunch at one of the neighborhood cafes (this old white boy loved him some soul food). No one ever bothered me.
  My next stop was Uncle Sam’s Army. There they pounded it into our heads that Uncle Sam’s Army only recognized one color and that was OD Green. I had a friend in basic training who was black and had a PHD in mathematics who worked for NASA in Houston. He had been drafted and could have gotten a deferment avoiding service altogether, but he chose not to. Once in, they were always bugging him to go to Officer’s school or take a direct commission to the officer ranks. He turned them down every time. He told us he just wanted to serve his country for the two years he was in for and then get out and go back to NASA. We didn’t know whether we should admire him or call him completely insane. But that was the first time I ever interacted with someone who was demonstrably way smarter than me. Another eye opener!
  After the army, I began working at Texaco Refinery in Port Arthur. My first year there, I met a black man whose last name was Johnson. I don’t know if I ever knew his first name. I always just called him Mr. Johnson. He was in his sixties and I was just a punk kid in my early twenties, but we became very good friends. I was working full time and going to college full time as well. Mr. Johnson didn’t have much of an education at all. He could not read and write. He had started working at Texaco when he was ten-years-old as a water boy carrying water to the work crews out in the field. He was fascinated by my studies in college. Every day he would ask me what I learned in school that day. I would tell him everything my professors had gone over in class and he would listen intently. Sometimes, he would smile or laugh and say, “Well, that might be what they say in your school books, but it was my experience…” And that was always the way of it. He would never outright disagree with anything I told him. The first words out of his mouth every time was, “In my experience…” It wasn’t long before I realized that this was one of the wisest men I had ever met. Uneducated, yes. But smarter than most of the people I knew. Thinking of him always kept me humble when I finally did earn that college degree. Because of him, I never felt like I was any smarter or wiser than anyone else I might run into.
  Port Arthur also had an influx of Vietnamese after the unfortunate war ended there. They were met with a little animosity, at first, from both the white and black communities. There was some friction between the different groups for a while. But it settled down. Now the third and fourth generations of Vietnamese kids are just as Texan as any of the rest of us.
  So, how are we doing as a community? I say I must be proud of our community overall. At least of the ones who remain in it. Many left, of course, due to what’s been referred to as “White Flight”. There has also been some “Black Flight” from the influx of Hispanics pouring into our area as well. My mother never left her general neighborhood in Port Arthur. And she saw her area go from all white to all black (except for her), then to Vietnamese, and finally to just about all Hispanic. So, there have been some major influxes. Right along with all that, there have been many different peoples coming to our area from all over the world. Just go into any convenience store in our area, and you will see what I mean. Are we killing each other or rioting in the streets? No. Are there still some who sling about racial slurs and wish to separate themselves from anyone who is not like them? Sadly, yes.
  But overall, I think we’re doing well. I was sitting in a coffee shop in Groves, Texas, where I live now, which is a small community that is basically a suburb of Port Arthur. Traditionally, Groves has always been a white-only community. But that is changing. As I sipped my Sugar-free, Vanilla, Latte, and read my latest science fiction selection, I saw a couple of black people come in to get coffee. They were pleasant and were greeted pleasantly by the owner. No one else in the place even glanced up or paid them any never mind (as my momma used to say). And it got me to thinking about how far we’ve come. At least in my part of the world. And it made me proud to be from a town that has seen good times and gone through bad times but has come to understand that we are all in this together. None of us can afford to go it alone anymore. We all need each other to survive. One thing I’ve learned in all my travels and in my job I have now, where I meet people from all over the world, is that people are just people no matter what their skin color is. We all want the same things. It is high time we stop thinking of race as something that separates us. There is only one race on this planet. And it is the human race. For the human race to survive and make it much farther down the road, we are all going to have to work together for that to happen.
  I am nearly seventy years old now. Over the last fifty years, I’ve seen attitudes change – sometimes more slowly than we’d like. But they have changed, and it’s mostly for the better. However, today there is a new divide happening right in front of our eyes, and it’s a very sad thing to have to witness after we were making so much progress. Now it’s Conservative vs. Liberals. And there are different sexes, races (so-called), ethnicities, and religions in both camps. And they are both ratcheting up the rhetoric and hate speech against the opposing side to the point of almost coming to blows. There’s even been talk of a Civil War brewing. Come on people. Don’t let politics tear us apart again. It’s just insane.

  We are all Americans, and we need to get our act together before it does come to blows. And to me, it’s more than that. We are all children of God. It definitely would displease Him to see his children behaving so badly towards one another. I can’t say that I will always agree with you. But I can say that I will always love you as a fellow human being no matter what you believe or how misguided I might think you are. Going forward, lets put our heads together and work out the problems we can. And for those problems that seem insurmountable right now, let’s just put them aside and maybe the solution will come to us down the road with God’s help. Let’s keep the progress we’ve made so far and not throw it all away just because someone has drawn a line in the sand or down an aisle.

Monday, March 5, 2018

Some Kind of Beautiful

Amanda Jones                                                                                           Watts


  It sure is awesome to be off on a Monday. I slept in late this morning. Got up and just watched an old movie on Netflix called "Some Kind Of Wonderful". It's a movie I've seen 20 times if I've seen it once. It's one of those movies I end up watching every time I come across it on TV. I always thought the guy was blind and stupid if he didn't see the love he had staring him in the face. Yeah, Amanda Jones was beautiful, and Watts was just the tomboy next door. And when I was in school, I used to crush on some of the popular, beautiful girls like Keith (Eric Stoltz) was doing with Amanda. I learned the hard way the sad truth that, with most of them, their beauty ended just barely below the skin. Real beauty is something transcendent, and it radiates from the soul.
  I knew a plain girl with inch-thick glasses once who desperately wanted to be loved. She threw herself at any guy that would have her. But most of them just took what she offered and then tossed her aside. In her mind, it was because she wasn't pretty enough. So, she spent years fixing what she thought was her problem. She worked out at a gym and lost weight. She had a boob job. She got contacts. She had a complete makeover with hair and makeup until she was drop-dead gorgeous.
  I hadn’t seen the girl in years and had forgotten all about her. She came to the nightclub where I worked one night looking for the one guy who had always treated her with kindness and respect. All the guys in the place were falling all over themselves to get her to notice them. But she ignored them and went up to that one guy. He didn't recognize her at first. She looked nothing like anyone he had ever known. But when she reminded him of the nickname the other guys used to call her, “Ashtrays” (because of her thick glasses) it finally dawned on him who she was. Once he recognized her, she threw her arms around his neck and said, “Take me home tonight. I did this all for you.”
  He shook his head looking at those now quite beautiful blue eyes (and trying desperately not to look any lower) and pulled her arms away from his neck.
  “No, he told her. You did all this for yourself. And don’t get me wrong you look great. Better than great. And it’s a good start. But now you need to work on what’s inside.”
  “What do you mean?” she demanded angrily. “Are you saying you still don’t want me?”
  “Exactly,” he said. He could see the shock in her eyes and knew she was asking herself how this could be possible. Wasn’t she now what every guy dreamed about having?
   “It was never about your looks. I always tried to be your friend. But to be honest, you’re so empty inside except for the self-loathing. You don’t even like yourself. How can you expect anyone else to like you? And, besides, you don’t even really know me.”
 “So, you’re turning this down?” she asked indicating with her hands what she meant by “this” as she moved them down her now incredibly sexy body.
  “Yes,” he told her. He saw a tear roll down one check. And for a moment it almost melted his resolve not to do something he would regret. He had always been a sucker for tears.
  She turned away and left him standing there. He shook his head sadly and then went about his business. He didn’t notice her again until he saw her making out with the bartender. The bartender came over and asked me if he could get off early that night. I finally let him talk me into it. With a big grin, he was out of there like a shot. I thought maybe I should have warned him about that girl. But some guys just have to learn the hard way that beauty isn’t everything. Especially, when it is only skin deep.

  When all the other guys realized that the pretty girl had come in there for that one guy and he had turned her down, they all wanted to know what was wrong with him. They knew he wasn’t seeing anyone at the moment. Was he sick or something? They had to know. He just shook his head and smiled and said, “Ask the bartender tomorrow.”
  So to all the pretty girls out there (yeah, you know who you are, and we all know your modesty is fake), if you were born with good looks, be thankful. But don't be satisfied with just that free gift. Work on being beautiful from within. That beauty will never let you down, and it will never fade.

Saturday, February 17, 2018


                                      Gunfire in School
  Again? This time a student of the school who apparently was angry with his ex-girlfriend and her new boyfriend and decided to take his anger out on the whole school. Seventeen died. My heart dies every time this sort of thing happens. I cry over innocent lives lost for nothing. It's so disheartening. And I can easily understand the frustration of many people who automatically call for gun control when these things happen. Their logic is, "no guns equals no shootings." Maybe that would be true if you could ever really round up all the guns in the country. It's doubtful you could do that when one of this Country's biggest exports is guns. But let's break this whole problem down and see what kind of solutions we can honestly come up with. I don't mean to step on anyone's toes here. I don't want to take one side and yell at everyone on the other side that they are wrong. For the sake of finding an honest solution, let's not take sides for a bit and see what we can come up with.
  First of all, there is the second amendment. We should address that issue first. The second amendment was put forth in our constitution because our Forefathers didn't trust governments.  They didn't for obvious reasons. Most of them had lived under the harsh and sometimes arbitrary whims of the monarchy of England. They also saw or experienced the same thing in other countries as well. So the second amendment was instituted as a safeguard against any government that might abuse its powers to the detriment of its own people. Guns were an insurance policy against just such a thing occurring. The question is do you trust government not to be abusive of their own people? I don't. There have been too many examples in recent history where a government rounded up everyone's guns and then began to abuse powers and kill dissidents. Sometimes by the millions.
  I know about the argument that in those days a musket might have made the difference. But with today's sophisticated weaponry in the hands of our police, homeland security, and military it will not be overcome by individuals with hunting rifles or even AR-15's. That's probably true, but it makes them think twice. So what do we do about the amendment? I personally tend to believe that our forefathers had the wisdom and forethought to really believe that that amendment was necessary. I would have a hard time going against that. But you know, that amendment has been in place for a long time. Guns have always been available in this country. Yet, these school shootings have mostly just happened in recent times. So, what has changed? Why now?
  Just about everyone I know had some sort of hunting rifle or shotgun in their home when I was young. Many adults and teens carried around shotguns in gun racks in the back of their trucks here in Texas. And there were fights and breakups with girlfriends back in my day as a youngster. But no one, went out to their truck and came back and started shooting up the whole place. It didn't happen. I'm sixty-nine years old. My school days were a long time ago. But even after that, it was different for a long time. I spent four years in the Army and then went to College for four years. During the eighties, I was divorced and began working in nightclubs as a bouncer to make a little extra money. I did that for several years. I broke up a lot of fights during that time. Drunks often threatened to go get a gun and come back and shoot me. But they never did. They also threatened to stab me, run over me with their car, set me on fire, etc. But they never did that either.
  So, what's changed? It's not the availability of guns or any kind of weapon for that matter. People have changed. It's not the fact that some people are mentally ill and not getting treatment. That was true back then, too. So, what is it? How have we changed as a nation? I can suggest some obvious changes that I've seen over the years that to me raise red flags. The first being the fact that our parenting methods have changed. And it's not only the lack of discipline at work here. Take away discipline at home and at school and add that to the fact that back when I was growing up, at least one parent was usually at home raising and in charge of their kid's behavior. When women entered the workforce in droves, those dynamics changed. I see that as the beginning of the problem. And no, I know we can't put that genie back in the bottle. The fact is, our kids are being raised now by strangers. And those strangers have their hands tied when it comes to discipline. 
  Another dynamic that has changed is we have become more and more a secular nation. People are turning away from traditional religion and God by droves. We could argue all day about the validity of religion and it's role in society and never get anywhere. I won't do that here. I'm just pointing out that this, too, is another one of those dynamics that changed and seems to be impacting society in a negative way. In my day, we knew all our neighbors and it was safe to leave your door unlocked and for the kids to walk or ride bikes to school even if it were miles away. Not today. Nuclear families don't even know the people living next door to them and don't want to. The old sense of community where neighbors helped neighbors and saw each other regularly in church and on the job is gone. Even small towns aren't safe anymore, and cities have become nightmares.
  Okay,  here comes the biggie. Media. Mass Media that's ever-present in your face 24/7. Add to that social media and you've got a recipe for stirring the kettle to a boil in a very big hurry. A kettle that maybe used to simmer until the flames went out, now boils over in minutes due to constant fanning of the flames. There's no way I can see to put that genie back in the bottle either.
  There's one other dynamic I want to mention. And I know that most of you are not tuned in to this sort of thing. Or you treat it the way Mass Media tells you to and laugh it off as a crazy conspiracy theory. I would too. I want to. But it just keeps happening again and again. I've seen the smoke and I expect there's enough there to suspect a fire. Our own FBI seems to have an agenda different from what you would expect them to have in all this. Many times they are warned that individuals need to be watched. And they do. They discover that they have caches of weapons and have maybe made comments to their friends and families that are alarming. Not only does the FBI do nothing but watch, leakers have suggested that they knew and even encouraged those disturbed individuals to act on their threats. Very rich and powerful men run this country from the shadows. A coup took place when Kennedy was assassinated and some of those thugs are still running things. I have a bad feeling that their agenda is to get rid of the second amendment and then clamp down hard on us. We have seen lately how corrupt the FBI and CIA can be and that it may be used as an arm of whoever is pulling the strings. If this conspiracy theory proves to be valid, I don't know how we fight that. I know most of you think that is all silliness. Maybe. You could be right. But keep your eyes and ears open. And don't believe for a minute everything the Main Stream Media tells you. They are no longer news and journalists agencies. They are the propaganda branch of our government. Yes both sides, right and left. Our government wants us at each other's throats. When we are, we're not breathing down their corrupt/evil necks. Of this, I have no doubt.
  So how do we fix the problem? How do we make the school shootings stop? If it's some big government scheme to move public sentiment in the direction of abolishing the second amendment and putting their bootheel more firmly on our necks - the answer is we don't. We will see more, not less until their goal is accomplished. I hate to be so negative in this, but there it is. They have all the tools in place with MSM and Social Media. Unless we pull the plug on them, I don't see any other outcome. And I don't see anyone crusading to pull the plug on them.
  There are stopgap measures we can take. Some of our returning military men would make good armed security guards at every entrance to public school buildings. Some have gone so far as suggesting we arm the teachers. I wouldn't go that far. Entry points into schools should be looked at and minimized down to just one where possible. And that point should be guarded. 
  Another thing we might do is begin to move away from public school in favor of homeschooling. With today's technology, virtual school rooms might not be so bad. If I had young kids today, they would definitely be homeschooled. Of course, homeschooling works best if it's monitored. Someone has to be there with the kids. Retired grandparents could be paid an additional amount on their social security if they take on such a role.
  Mental illness definitely needs to be better addressed in this country. That almost goes without saying. Throwing drugs at every quirk does not seem to be the answer. In fact, it seems to be contributing to the problem. 
  Drugs is another factor that needs to be dealt with honestly. I'm appalled by the attitude of most of the people I know, especially those younger than forty when it comes to drugs when used for other than medicinal purposes. Almost everyone I know would be getting high all the time if it weren't for random drug screens on their jobs. What does that say about our society? With the illegal drug culture in our present society, crime and violence just go hand and hand. The drug problem is another of those dynamics that may be having a big impact on violence everywhere, not just in schools. 
 So, in conclusion, are school shootings a solvable problem that we can just magically make disappear by passing a no gun law? I sadly, feel that it's highly unlikely and probably unwise. I'm very afraid that the day we pass a no gun law in this country and manage to confiscate most of what the public already has will be the day when we see our government's true colors. That will be the day you will finally know without a doubt that democracy died a long time ago and something evil this way comes out of the shadows. So, our best bet is not to work toward a world with no guns (never gonna happen - THEY will still have theirs). Instead, we should focus on making our kids safe in a world that has guns and plenty of crazy people willing to use them. I pray fervently and grieve for the many victims of these tragedies already. And I continue to pray that we will somehow come to a successful arrangement that prevents all future catastrophes such as these recent school shootings from ever happening again. It is after all, what we all want.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

The Godless Paradox 
  Don't look now but they are doing it again. All along the Bible told us that the Universe had a beginning. But scientists said no, that it was infinite and therefore needed no creator. Then they discovered background radiation that seemed to point to a Big Bang or, in other words, a universe with a beginning just as the Bible said. This was a big problem for them. So they started coming up with totally ridiculous ways the universe could create itself out of nothing. And people bought it because, after all, it was brilliant scientists who were telling them these lies.
  They had the same problem with the origin of life as well. So now they've postulated this equally ridiculous notion of the multiverse where there is an infinite number of universes and an infinite number of possible conditions and we just happen to be on the one possible Earth where those conditions were just right for us to spring up from inanimate matter. Of course, they admit that there is no way for anyone to ever observe or test that theory. Perfect for their purposes. And now they are insidiously inserting the notion of a multiverse everywhere. It pops up in TV comedies like "The Big Bang Theory". On shows like "Supergirl". I've seen it play a part in many sci-fi movies. And even being expressed in some of Marvel's Superhero movies. Once they make it a commonplace notion by repeating it over and over again, they will start teaching it as fact rather than outrageous theory. And people will believe it.
  I don't know what took them so long to come up with this one? My brother and I, when we were very young, used to sit outside on a warm summer night and look up at the stars wondering what was out there. Big giant aliens playing marbles with our universe was one we came up with. Another was millions of universes like soap bubbles bumping up against one another. Hey, as kids, we had very vivid imaginations. We even wondered if it were not all just a grand illusion and not real at all. This is apparently what "scientists" are doing now. And it wasn't science when my brother and I were speculating about it. And it's not science now when they do it either. They will go to any length to get around the notion of God. Why are they so afraid of God? Why do they fear accountability for their own actions so much? Is it because all they do and think always is evil? Apparently so.
  Oh, yes, they will get on their soapbox when confronted and claim that they can be moral without a God to compel them. But is that really true? All you need do is take a look around the world today, and it is plain to see what happens when you take God out of the equation. Now don’t get me wrong, I love science fiction. And I’m perfectly willing to suspend what I know to be true for the sake of a good old-fashioned science fiction thriller. “Education’s purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one.” – Malcolm Forbes. I agree with Mr. Forbes on this one. Science fiction has always been an excellent way to achieve such a goal. For the most part, however, our current education system fails miserably at this. Instead, they take an empty mind and fill it with mush.
  Just when did our Main Stream Media become the propaganda arm of the Government and our education system become the “re-education” or brainwashing arm of the Government? Like I said, they do these things insidiously, one small step at a time until it is accepted as the norm. So, beware my friends. It’s happening again right in front of your eyes. And their whole purpose is to rid mankind of the notion of a creator God.
  Just ask yourself why it is so important to them to do so? Without God, the universe has no meaning or purpose. What’s worse is no morality, no good or evil, and no consequences for anyone’s actions. In such a world, only the most powerful will determine what is good or what is not. Do you trust them to make the right choices? Can you even stand and say what is a “right” choice? When right is only determined by the whim of an all-powerful world government or world dictator. I for one don’t even want to think about living in such a world. And it scares me to no end to see so many people advocating for just that.