Soap Bubbles

I recently read about some physicists theories about the
Universe. I have to admit that the ones about string theory make absolutely no
sense to me (no surprise there – I’m not a genius, especially when it comes to
math). And I can kind of get a glimpse in my mind of what they mean by “brane”
theory (short for membrane). But lately there’s been more talk about the
multiverse. Getting my head around that concept is like in calculus when they
kept harping on imaginary numbers. I just didn’t get it. No one’s ever accused
me of not having a very good imagination. But in my imagi-Nation, there are no
citizens called imaginary numbers. They’re either real or they don’t exist at
all. Just something a bunch of mathematicians came up with to twists ordinary
folks brains in a knot, and then laugh when they sit scratching their heads
with drool running out of the corner of their mouths. I have a hard enough time
getting my mind around the concept of one universe “expanding” creating
time/space as it goes. Outside of which…well there is no outside. At least
that’s what they say. And if there isn’t, how can you really say something is
expanding? Expanding into what from where? It’s all relative after all. I am
reminded of a couple of scenes from “Men in Black” where in one there was a
whole world inside a locker and another where there was a whole galaxy inside a
marble. That is relativity of perspective in a nutshell. Now to the multiverse.
What is being theorized is that there is not just one “universe” but many –
perhaps even an infinite number of them. And we’re asked to think of soap
bubbles massed together – almost touching each other but not quite. And our
particular universe would be just one among many of those soap bubbles. First
things first. If this is accurate, we need to tune up our language a bit. In
particular, we need to be more precise in what we mean when we use the word
universe. The word is defined as:
the totality of known or supposed objects and phenomena throughout space; the cosmos;
macrocosm. Okay then, we
need a new word to refer to the individual bubble we happen to be in because
“universe” would refer to all the bubbles in existence. Just like when we talk
about matter and an individual part of it called an atom. Now there’s some perspective
for you. If you think of the infinite multiverse as matter, then we are living
on (or in) just one of its atoms (our particular soap bubble). I don’t know
which is more mind blowing – down here looking up at the infinite everything or
being infinite and looking down at the infinitesimally small me. Either way it
gives me nightmares. My big question is this: if there are an infinite number
of soap bubbles, and our universe is just one of many nestled together with all
the others, then how could we be expanding? Are we expanding into our
neighboring soap bubble’s territory? Or them into ours? I at this moment feel
like Hamlet did when he said: “There are
more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your
philosophy.” So I think it is with all of us. We have little dreams, and
reality is so much bigger than a soap bubble.
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