Happiness Is
Happiness is: A)
Having everything your heart desires. B) Being richer than King Midas so you
can buy anything you desire. C) Having lots of friends , being popular, and
having the best looking guy/girl on your arm to call your own. D) What you make
of what life hands you regardless.
If you answered A,
B, or C I suspect you’re not really happy at all and here’s why. If I handed
you everything you said you desired, once you had them you would quickly become
bored with them and desire something that you didn’t have yet. You would always
desire not only what you didn’t have but also what you couldn’t have. If you
said that being rich would make you happy, I suspect that too would be
fleeting. Of course you might think it would be easier to be happy sitting on a
gigantic yacht than in a dinky apartment with no furniture wondering how you
were going to pay the light bill this month. If having money maid you happy,
then why do you think that millionaires who have more money than they could
possibly spend continue to strive to make more money? And many of them don’t
seem to be happy at all. They have the same bouts of loneliness, infidelity, depression,
alcoholism, drug addictions, etc. as the rest of the population. Having money
does not make them immune from such things. So perhaps they are not as happy as
you might think. And if you said that being popular, having lots of friends,
and being paired with Mr. or Ms. Right would do the trick for you, think again.
Look at all the celebrities that have all the above and still go awry.
Happiness isn’t found in things like money, possessions, fame, popularity, and
even having a significant other. If you depend on any of these for your
happiness you will most likely be disappointed in the long run and end up
miserable. As long as you think of happiness as something external you will not
be truly happy.
Our society does not
want you to be happy. Happy people are not good consumers. Our society tries to
program you to always want something “better” than what you have now. You like
your shampoo and it works fine. Okay, but now you can get your shampoo that is “new
and improved” for just a little bit more money and it will work even better
leaving your hair cleaner and shinier than before. And when you get comfortable
with that, then we want you to try this new and improved product that’s even
better – for slightly more money of course. Same thing with electronics and any
product you can think of. And it never ends. So you have to work harder to be
able to buy the new stuff and maybe your spouse has got to get out there now
and work too so you can afford all the new gadgets that the family just has to
have. Then when that’s not enough, you have to work more and more hours and
maybe even get a second job. Then you start buying everything on credit and
have to put in even more hours just to pay off the credit cards. Surely you can’t
be happy using that old stuff? After all your neighbors and friends are all
using the new gizmo and look how happy they are. And it goes on and on. As a
society, we don’t seem to be very happy and it is obviously by design. As
individuals most of us aren’t too happy and it’s not all that surprising
considering the severe amount of brainwashing that we are all subjected to on a
daily basis.

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