Guest Interview of Gale Laure
Screenwriter and international bestselling Author of Evolution of a Sad Woman (978-1-4251-2730-5), an international selling trade paperback, kindle and ebook and the soon to be released, The Bunkhouse (2013).
Q) If you were to do it all over again, would you change anything in your latest book?
A) Not a thing. However, I am thinking of releasing a revised copy of Evolution of a Sad Woman which would contain another clue.
Q) Who is your favorite author, and what really stikes you about their work?
A) Agatha Christi. I love the way she takes clues, puts them in plain sight and yet the reader does not always see them.
Q) Do your fictional characters develop on their own, or do you have ther lives planned out in advance?
A) My books are put into my head by God. I pray, go to sleep and wake up with an entire story and all its' characters in my head.
Q)Tell us about your all-time favorite character (of your creating.) Is he/she modeled after a real person?
A) My favorite character is Kizzy from Evolution of a Sad Woman. I love her because she is simple and yet so complicated---as readers will see in the sequels. Her passion is her strength and her weakness. I have been asked repeatedly in interviews if she is real. (winks) I will never tell.
Q) What's the biggest challenge you've faced in writing?
A) The marketing. You have to do book signings, appearances, interviews, social media. Whew! It wears me out. I would be completely happy if I could just write.
Q) Do you have a "must see" destination on your bucket list?
A) Yes. Europe. I want to visit the U.K., France, Italy, all over Europe. Of course, I want my wonderful husband to be with me to enjoy every historical and romantic spot. We love history, art galleries and scenic locations.
Q) What's your next project and when will we likely see the end results?
A) Currently I am writing the screenplay for my novel, Evolution of a Sad Woman. It has been a very difficult task for me. It is more like "fill in the blank" than novel writing. I have a movie Director waiting for the screenplay to take to his producers. I am not sure how long the movie process takes.
I have also finished writing my next book, The Bunkhouse. It may be out in 2013. I still need to edit it. It is a historical, mystery, suspense, thriller, romance with a sci-fi twist. Several characters fromEvolution of a Sad Woman make a cameo appearance in it. They are involved in a little it of mystery. I enjoy carrying my characters over from book to book. I think fans of Evolution of a Sad Womanwill love it. I think sci-fi fans will find it interesting. I am not big into sci-fi, but my husband is a big fan. I wrote it for him.
Thank you so much, Robert Landry, for having me as a guest on you webpage and doing this interview with me. I enjoyed it. Gale Laure, Author of Evolution of a Sad Woman (978-1-4251-2730-5) availabe on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and fine bookstore worldwide as a trade paperback, ebook, Kindle and Nook.
From Robert: Thank you Gale for taking the time out to do this interview. And for all my readers who love a good murder mystery, please check this one out. It has an awesome ending that will really get to you. For more info see the links below. I for one, am anxiously awaiting Gale's next book to hit the stands.
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