Random Thoughts
When I say I have
random thoughts – I mean I really have some very random thoughts all the time.
Like just while I was typing this, I was thinking about a story where a writer
spends so much of his time writing about life that he forgets to live it. What
would happen if he stopped writing one day and went to the fridge for something
to eat? And he found a note hanging on it, from his family saying they left him
because they were tired of being neglected. And he had to think real hard to
even remember his family and couldn’t imagine where they might have gone
anyway. So he sits down with a tuna sandwich and turns on the TV, only to see
where his whole part of the state has been evacuated. And it goes on and on
from there. While I was busy typing the above, another random thought popped
into my head. I wondered, what if wormholes are real and one suddenly popped
open in my backyard. Would I be brave enough to just jump in and see where it
goes? And what if I did? And when I came out on the other end there was this whole world with nothing but
watermelon fields (yeah, I'm a little hungry for fresh watermellon right now) as far as you could see. And when I sat down to eat one of
them, I found out that the watermelon farmers where these big giant pig looking
creatures with foot-long tusks and they didn’t take too kindly to watermelon
poachers. If there was nothing but watermellon fields, where would I run to? Where would I hide? And then I thought about the blue sky outside – yeah that’s really a
nice thing to see on the first day of February, especially when the temperature
feels more like the first day in April. But I thought what if the color I think
of as blue is really not blue at all? What if I’m color blind. What if we all
are? What color do flies see the sky as? Are they even aware of the sky? I mean
they do some serious buzzing around, but do they ever look up?
So, as you can see,
my mind is all over the place. I just wrote the above without any forethought
or planning at all. Just sat down and let it rip with things that came spewing
out of my overactive imagination. So when my wife asks me the inevitable
question that women like to ask men when they see we’re not paying them the
requisite amount of attention, “What were you thinking about just now?” – How am I
supposed to answer that? And does she really want to know? I have tried to
answer truthfully a couple of times, but she always looks at me like I’ve completely
lost my freaking mind. And then she goes on like she didn’t hear, or didn’t
want to hear, what I just said. Like if we ignore it, it will just go away like
some 800 pound gorilla sitting in the middle of the living room that we both
know can’t be there so we will just ignore it, and it will subsequently vanish
back into the mist where it came from. Women are better than us at ignoring
things they don’t want to think about. Me, I couldn't get the stupid gorilla out of my head. I would be trying to get to know it better and maybe make it my knew best friend. Anyway, nowadays, I try to be prepared. It’s
always good to be prepared right? So like most women, she thinks that all men
ever really think about is alcohol, sports, or naked women, and not necessarily
in that order. I’ve done nothing to dispel that perception from her
preconceived notions. It’s sort of a self-defense mechanism of mine. But
perhaps it is true of most men. I have no way to tell, though, other than the
fact that when I’m in the company of men only, that’s the only thing I hear
most of them talking about. But I have to confess that I’m not like most men.
So I have to be ready at the drop of the hat with things like, “Nothing Dear, I
was just wondering who was going to win the Super Bowl.” Or this one, “Nuttin’
Honey, I was just thinking that a good cold beer would sure taste great about
now.” I haven’t come up with a good one about the naked women thing yet. After
all, I may be a little scatter-brained, but I’m not stupid. If I went anywhere
near that one, I might end up with a beer bottle bashed up against the side of
my head and have to watch the Super Bowl on one of those ridiculous little
hospital TV’s instead of my glorious HD 65" big screen.
So, I generally just
make it a rule to keep my random thoughts to myself. Or hey, I could splash
them all over a blog page somewhere. Fortunately for me, my wife doesn’t get on
the internet and read blog pages. But since I am trying to be a writer, you
could see how having such a scatter-brain could be a good thing. If you have
random thoughts all the time like me, you might want to give it some serious
consideration and try to sit down in front of a blank Microsoft Word page and
let her rip. Who knows, yours could be the next best seller that everyone is
going gaga over? You just never know until you try.
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