Sample From World of
Destiny Book 3: Disembarked
Why had they
attacked Earth? Why did they kidnap him of all the people in Israel? That whole
episode did not sit well in his mind, and he somehow sensed that it was not
over. Others of their kind would come. Earth did not have the resources left to
put up much resistance to any sort of invasion. Destiny did not have any kind
of unity to put up more than a token fight. All this troubled him every time he
thought about it, and it began to haunt his dreams with the rest of his
But at some level,
Trevor realized it was better than what he could be dwelling on. For him, any
thought of his ex-wife had the power to destroy his sense of wellbeing sending
him spiraling down into an abyss of despair from which there was no way out. So
he relentlessly pursued thoughts and plans or ways to deal with a red-eyed
alien invasion instead. But the other thing was a rat in his brain, probing and
gnawing, trying to find a weakness in his sense of self preservation. .
Harella, somehow,
sensed all this was going on in Trevor's mind. She did her best to keep him
distracted. But he got irritable after a time, and she backed off. She was
getting pretty good at determining when it was time to do just that. Harella
was, by now, not ashamed to admit that she was deeply in love with Trevor. It
was hard for her not to show how she felt every chance she got. She did the
best she could to concentrate on other things even though it was obvious to
everyone what was really on her mind. Harella was painfully aware that it was
too soon for Trevor. He needed time to grieve before he would be ready to move
on. She did her best to give him that time. So when Mary offered everyone a
prolonged period of sleep it was a welcome relief to Harella and Trevor, as
well as to their three bored companions.
While their
passengers slept, Mary and Georgia, along with the other ships in their
company, sang new songs they composed, borrowing heavily from their latest
adventures with their human friends for subject matter to pass the time.
Strange new stars joined in their happy chorus in this alternate dimension and
sent them well wishes to help propel them on their way towards their far away
destination. They intertwined their histories with the music of this unfamiliar
galaxy which caused the ships to experience so much joy.
At the outskirts of
their own galaxy their music had been exquisite. But near the heart of this
strange twin galaxy they experienced, for the first time, real music. At the
same time, they felt sorry for their passengers, because they were deaf to it
all. They would never hear the sheer beauty of the telepathic songs the ships
and stars made together. Mary knew that the physical music that her human
friends made was just a feint echo brought on by some cosmic memory of what real
music was all about. She intertwined her sadness for her friend's deficiency
into her song. Georgia picked it up as well, and the stars wove it into their
songs which eventually caused the whole of the cosmos to ache for them.
Meanwhile, the humans slept on oblivious, dreaming their small human dreams.
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