Living in a Terrorist State
Most of the people of the world just want to live in peace and be left alone to make theirs and their family’s lives as comfortable as possible. I talk to people from all over the world, and when I ask them, they pretty much say the same thing. I talk to people all over Europe and Canada here on my computer. And, on my job, I talk to sailors from all over the rest of the world. So far, all have agreed with me on this. So why is there so much turmoil in the world? “It’s our governments,” most of them assure me. They, and not the people of the country are the problem. How can this be? Aren’t our governments supposed to be representing the will of the people? And if they are not, shouldn’t we have already gotten rid of our unruly governments? At least that’s how it’s supposed to be in Democratic societies.
Even in a totalitarian regime, if it’s doing completely opposite of the will of the people, why don’t they rise up and get rid of such an evil government? I mean, after all, the people far outnumber the rank and file of the government. So, why is this not happening? Why are we letting our governments terrorize countries to the point of them wanting to completely wipe us out? And who are the terrorists anyway? Is it the ones who drop the bombs indiscriminately killing men, women, and children? Or is it the victims of those bombings striking back any way they can at the bomb droppers? In a previous blog article, I asked the question – “Are we insane?” In that article, I concluded that we absolutely must be.
Six months later, it’s getting worse. Many are starting to write about us being on the brink of another World War. This is unthinkable. Too many countries now have nuclear weapons. And none of them are liable to suffer defeat until that last arrow has been pulled from their quiver and let loose. Once one of them unleashes destruction of that magnitude, insanity will ensue. History will end – or reboot with cave dwellers starting from scratch.
Now my next question is, who is responsible? Is it ISIS, North Korea, China, Russian? Right now, our propaganda is trying to place all the blame for everything bad that happens in the world on Russia. Russia is even being accused of somehow “hacking” our most recent election. Which is patently absurd, by the way. And you probably say, “Hey, we don’t use propaganda!” Wrong. We use it all the time and very effectively most of the time. When it fails, then we resort to what’s called “False Flag Operations”. 9/11 is one such operation. Prior to most major conflicts in history, false flag operations have been used to goad an unwilling population into support of conflicts they previously would have never supported. I know we have suffered legitimate “terrorists” attacks. In most of them, only a relatively few people have been killed. We, on the other hand, have been dropping bombs, almost on a daily basis, on several other countries, whom we have not even declared war on, for many years now. You must ask yourself, what would you be willing to do in retaliation if someone dropped a bomb on your house while you were at work and killed your whole family?
See that’s how propaganda works. In the west, we are so brainwashed into thinking that our actions are always on the side of righteousness. Our actions are always justified and are reactions to something evil done to us first. But is that true? Let’s take the most recent case. The president of Syria, allegedly, used poison gas on some of his own people. So the U.S. government sent in cruise missiles and took out one of Assad’s air bases. We have not declared war on Syria. Syria has never directly threatened the U.S. I know gassing your own people is a horrible thing. But what gives us the right to do such a thing in return? What makes our action “righteous” and Assad’s a criminal act? To me, both acts are criminal. Both are wrong. And like my Momma always used to say, “Two wrongs don’t make a right, any way you look at it.” Certainly, our government’s actions over the last several years have been anything but righteous. Our bombs, cruise missiles, and drones kill indiscriminately men, women, and children all over the middle eastern countries in undeclared wars. Isn’t that the total definition of terrorism? So, I ask you, who is the terrorist here? Are we living in a terrorist state?
I think the answer is pretty obvious. So, my fellow citizens who are appalled by all this, what are we going to do about it? Are we going to just sit back and watch it unfold on TV like watching a video game? When the nukes start falling in your own neighborhood, is this going to be the last thought that goes through your mind? - “Man I wish I had been more active in stopping my rogue government from doing such crazy things!” “But what can I do about it,” you ask. Well, you can become more vocal and active in the political arena. When the next election rolls around you could inform yourself and get out and vote. The last election was a hotly contested one, yet only about 58% of the eligible voters in this country actually got out and voted. And that was better than most elections.
I can hear you now, “But, it’s the shadow government that is responsible and they are unelected.” Well, they are way less than 1% of the population. If even 50% of the population rose up and rooted them out, there would be nowhere for them to hide. The other thing you can do is pray. Pray a lot! We’re going to need it. Best you get in the practice now rather than waiting until it is too late. I don’t know about you, but it makes me really uncomfortable thinking that I might be living in a terrorist state that is responsible for so much evil in the world. I don’t like thinking of my beloved United States of America that way. But it’s getting harder and harder to avoid it. Just as the people of Germany, who stood by and watched the Nazis reign down terror on their neighbors too afraid to oppose a few powerful men, are we now doing the same thing? I’m not saying Donald Trump is Hitler. But I am saying that the ones making our foreign policy are criminal and need to be reined in by someone.
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