World of Destiny

World of Destiny
Click on image to purchase kindle version for $0.99,,,World of Destiny is about Trevor Sansing and his daughter, Sarah, who have survived the demise of most of Earth’s population. When they venture from their East Texas home, they are rescued/abducted by aliens and brought to a new world. They learn en-route that Connie Sansing, who was visiting neighbors when all this happened, was also picked up and brought to the same world. But they have no clue where she was taken on this strange planet. They have to find her. They learn that this new world is already sparsely populated by abductees that have been brought here over the last eighty years. Connie could be anywhere, and they have to find her. But they will need a guide. Without much choice, they are thrown in with a group of kids who were all born on this world. They reluctantly agree to let the Sansings tag along. The adventure begins and the search is on.

World of Destiny

World of Destiny
Click on Image to purchase for $0.99,.. Reeling from the shock of unpleasant revelations and the dissolution of life as he knew it, Trevor and friends indulge in a quest of discovery on a newly discovered world. With their new friend, Mary, the whole Galaxy is theirs to explore. However, unfortunate events keep pulling them back to Earth and placing them in the forefront of uncontrollable turmoil in spite of their best efforts to just escape from it all.

World of Destiny

World of Destiny
Trevor Sansing and his crew, of mostly young adults aboard the living ship they call Mary, have returned to the world they’ve named “Destiny”. Humanity is on the brink of extinction with only the Israeli population and small pockets elsewhere that have managed to survive the onslaught of the Asunimi on Earth. On Destiny, man’s survival has always been tenuous at best. Unexpected events on Earth had unnerved them all. Now, Trevor and his friends, only want a little R&R and are looking forward to some down time. For Trevor’s friends, Destiny is home. More and more, Trevor realizes that for him and his daughter, Sarah, Destiny has become “home” as well. However, as soon as they arrive, Mary receives a telepathic message from one of her companion ships. The message is simple, but Trevor is sure it can’t be right. It states simply, “WE HAVE FOUND GOD”.

World of Destiny Part 4: Repercussions

World of Destiny Part 4: Repercussions
Sometimes, things come back to bite you on your backside. Trevor Sansing had a run-in with these red-eyed aliens once before. He thought he had seen the last of them. He was wrong. They have discovered a way to pass through the portals without suffering the psychological damage that happens to all non-telepathic beings who dare to enter there. They are obviously aware of Destiny’s location. And they are staging troops and material for an attack. Trevor knows they cannot be reasoned with. The question is what is there that the people of Destiny can do about it. Destiny is ill-prepared to fend off an invasion. Abandon Destiny and run for Earth? Earth isn’t much better off than Destiny. Someone needs to come up with a plan to meet this latest threat that has the potential of wiping out the small remnant of humanity barely surviving on Destiny. And Trevor fears they won’t stop there. Earth will be their next target.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Good Vibrations
  Like all politicians, scientists lie to us every day. When their lips are moving, they are probably telling a lie. They all know the Big Bang Theory is a lie, but they continue to preach it anyway. They all know that Evolution doesn’t exist but they continue to lie about that one too. Lie number one in Evolution is that life somehow and accidentally was created out of non-living materials. Can’t happen folks. Never has, at least not on its own. If it did it would still be happening all the time. After all, there is still plenty of inanimate non-living material around. Still plenty of ocean water. Still plenty of lightning. But their theory is that it started accidently one time billions of years ago and then just quit happening. Sure it did. They can’t point to any proof of evolutionary steps in the fossil record when there should be uncounted numbers of fossils showing a step by step progression. But there are none. So, my point is they lie even about the basics.
  So, let’s now look at what else they lie about. Remember Einstein’s great theory E=MC2? How do we know that this equation is even close to being right? Maybe it’s really E=MC1.5 or E=MC3. I mean there’s no way to really prove the exactness of this equation other than just taking his word for it. Now let’s look at the equation itself. E is energy. And what this equation is saying is that everything on both sides of the equal marks is the same. So basically, everything is energy. On both sides of the equation is nothing but energy. OK, I might give him that, but it depends on what you mean by the word energy. And what does the “M” stand for anyway? Mass, you say? What is mass? Maybe we can break it all down and see if we can understand what’s being said here. And remember, I’m no scientist or mathematician. So, I’m going to keep it about as simple as I can.
  In quantum physics, it has been determined that the presence of an observer makes a difference as to the outcome or nature of the observed. For instance, if you were trying to observe the nature of light there are tests you can set up that are fairly simple in doing so. But what they have discovered is that when you observe the test, light seems to behave as a wave, and when you don’t observe it, light seems to behave as a particle. So, the results are determined not only by the presence of an observer but by what the observer expects to see. Back there in the very beginning of scientific questioning, they weren’t aware of this fact. And when they started thinking about reality, one of them came up with this theory that all material things were made from tiny particles called atoms that were so small they couldn’t be seen. But they were made out of solid material for the most part with these little moons of electrical particles flying around the massive (note that massive here means having measurable weight) inner core. Kind of like a little miniature solar system. They set up tests to prove or disprove this theory and, voila, those tests seemed to confirm that these little mind constructs of the un-seeable were reality. They came up with the whole periodic table and patted themselves on the back for fathoming one of nature’s deep mysteries. But where they correct, or only seeing evidence of what they wanted to see. Later on, when they started “smashing atoms” they discovered that even these particles were made up of even smaller particles and some of those were really strange. Then quantum theory came along and started saying hold up. We can’t even guarantee that any of this stuff is solid. It all seems to be energy or vibrations. And the weird thing is, it seems to pop in and out of existence so frequently and fast that we can never pinpoint the exact location of any of it at any given moment.
  So, basically what they are saying is that everything really is just energized vibrations of the ether and only seems to really exist in the presence of an observer. Woa! Did you get that? So, matter isn’t real. And if it’s not a real thing, then the whole underpinnings of our “science” is wrong based on imagination and nothing more.
  Now let’s take another part of our famous equation. C squared where C is the speed of light. We’ve all been told that this speed is approximately 186,000 miles/second. I’d like to see the radar gun they measured that with. And furthermore, they say that it takes light 8 minutes to get from the sun to the Earth. But what exactly are we measuring? A particle moving through space? Or a wave propagating like a ripple on a pond? And didn’t Einstein say that if it were possible for an observer to be riding on that light for him there would be no motion through space? And that light going the speed of well…light…would simply see either the universe shrink down to a singularity, or the light itself would be spread out all over the entire universe at once. And the observer would also be everywhere at once so would detect no movement at all. So, if light can’t be said to be moving at any speed at all, then what the heck are we talking about when we say C squared?
  From what I’m gathering from quantum physics these days, they seem to be saying that light (and everything else for that matter) is just a spontaneous, energetic vibration of the ether. And light cannot be said to be traveling from the Sun to the Earth at all. It does not radiate from its source. Instead when our star came into existence, it vibrated the ether in all directions to infinity at once. If this is true, it changes the whole picture we have of the universe and all that stuff about red-shifts and expanding universes is bogus.
  The Bible says that God spoke the universe into existence. And he looked and said it was good. Speaking is sound and sound is defined as vibration. So, the universe as we know it, is basically how our own collective minds wish to interpret the good vibrations God spoke into existence. Our minds and imaginations can come up with all sorts of strange things and they might seem very real to us. Our senses are easily tricked into believing that there is a reality out there that is solid and would exist even without us or God. But it is becoming more and more clear that it is all an elaborate, (and as Einstein himself pointed out) persistent illusion.

  So why do scientists lie to us or mislead us constantly about all this? There are many reasons, but the bottom line is they want to keep the status quo as it is. They want a materialistic and godless universe because they don’t want to be held accountable to or by any superior being. And if you watch them closely, many of them strut around with a smug superiority like they themselves wish to be thought of as our gods. Some, however, have begun showing cracks in their armor. Encouragingly, a few have simply relented and come over to the other side of good vibrations.     



Saturday, February 18, 2017

The Way I See It Now

  In my youth, I favored the Democratic Party. I was a working man in the oil industry. Labor Unions pushed the Democrats on us claiming that they were the party that best represented the working man. Maybe, for a while back then, that was true. But for the last couple of decades, it seems they have increasingly become the party of those that don't work. They are the party of those with their hands out constantly wanting free stuff. Those same people don't seem to understand that nothing is free. Those still gainfully employed are the ones that have to pick up the tab. I’ve even seen comments from my Canadian and European friends saying that they don’t understand why a modern country like the U.S. still doesn’t provide free medical care for all its citizens like their countries. Well, first of all, your medical care is not free. You are taxed up the kazoo to pay for it. Secondly, we’ve tried very hard to not become a socialist or communist country like you’ve all done.
  Today, the Republican party seems to be the one that understands this simple basic fact better than their rivals. Those in this country who are still picking up the tab are fed up with it. And that right there is the bottom line that explains the Donald Trump victory. It wasn’t the Russians, okay. And when I see liberals on the streets demanding that we bring in even more freeloaders, it makes my blood boil. As for me personally, though, it seems that neither party has been representing my best interest in the last couple of decades. They're too busy worrying about themselves and making sure their own bank accounts grow at our expense. Both parties have become so complacent in their own corruption that it's difficult for me to see them other than organized crime. And have you noticed how their reach has extended into every aspect of our lives? If you're a small business owner, they are even to the point where they are telling you who you must sell your products and services to whether you like it or not. Our forefathers would be up in arms in a heartbeat over that one.
  Government has grown too big and become too invasive. And when I see their brainwashed minions from both sides out there demanding that the rest of us conform or be silenced or even worse killed...well my friends...enough is enough. Do you realize how close you are to being just like the Islamic terrorists with their "convert or lose your head" routine? It is time for a revolution. Not against each other. But against the real enemy of the people - those in government that would control your mind and every aspect of your life. It is way past time to stand on your own two feet and stop being manipulated by the talking head of your choice on TV. Use your brains for what God gave them to you for. If you don’t understand the broader issues at stake, do a little research on your own. You have a computer now and don’t even have to go to the library. All the great classics discussing these issues are right there online for free.
  It almost makes me cry when I see someone asking college students simple questions about our government or our history, and they don’t have a clue. Our educators should be ashamed as well when they see this. Johnny was a smart kid when we sent him off to elementary school. But by the time Johnny gets that degree, he’s brain dead. In this day and age there is no excuse for that. If what we are doing today doesn’t work (and there’s plenty of evidence that it’s not) then go back to the way they were doing it forty years ago. Because by God it was working then. We had some of the greatest minds in the world. New technologies and inventions were raining down on us. So where did it all go? What happened to us? The evidence is mounting proving that those who say we are being systematically dumbed down are correct. Don’t you all see that it is time now to fight back before it’s too late? Stop fighting in the streets like spoiled children. That’s exactly what they want you to do. The more you do, the more they swoop in and take away even more of your freedom. And create yet another bureau to control you. Divide and conquer is the oldest trick in the book and they are very adept at this.
  So how do we put an end to all this? First step is to educate yourself. The government is not going to do that for you. Second, learn to choose your battles wisely. Knee jerk reactions are what the government counts on to get their way. Study each issue and join with those who agree with you on them. Don’t demonstrate. Become an educator and then Vote! Only 10% of our population voting on any election or issue is disgraceful. Be a part of the solution, not cannon fodder for someone else’s cause. And lastly, even though many of you might not adhere to the same Christian values that I do, at least you should know that to love your neighbors is a better path for getting things done than hating everyone who doesn’t agree with you. Lose the hate. We are all in this together. And if we don’t approach it that way, we are surely doomed.
  Yes, I realize that I’m asking a lot. It’s not time to make America great again. It’s time to wake America the hell up! But looking around for even a minute, you should be able to agree that we are in trouble. And as long as many of our calmer minds are glued to American Idol or The Bachelor, it’s only going to get worse. For my part, I pray that there is still time to fix some of this. But day by day, I find that my prayers are turning more to, “God, please protect our country from itself, because our own citizens don’t seem to have the will to do it.” I still have hope that it’s not too late. I know many who have surrendered already, thinking that all this is God’s will. And that it will be soon when He puts an end to this charade we call life on Earth. It could be. They could be right. But I haven’t heard any trumpets blowing yet.  And as a warrior in God’s army, I’m going to pray that it’s not the end and do my best to love and fight for each and every one of you. As a Christian, that’s my job.

  I can hear some of you already. “Well, as a Christian, don’t you care about immigrants?” Yes, I do. I love all God’s people. But if we take them all in, we will drown this country and lose our ability to help anyone even ourselves. If you are so concerned about foreigners in need, why is there a single homeless American sleeping on the sidewalk in your own neighborhoods? Remember I said we must choose our battles? Right now, we need to fix what’s wrong with America. Then we can focus more on helping the rest of the world. We can’t do both. If we try, we will lose America. Then where will the hope be for the rest of the world? And yes, I know America caused many of the problems in the world with ill-advised wars. That’s exactly the kind of things that need to be fixed. And that’s the way I see it. If you have better ideas, leave the address to your blog in the comment section so we can all go check them out.

Saturday, February 11, 2017


Reflections on my 68th Birthday

  I can’t believe I’m that old. Sure, I feel every bit of it. But sometimes I feel like I’ve floated through this life like a butterfly on a summer breeze. And it was only yesterday when I left the cocoon. Then again it seems like half the stuff I remember happened to someone else. I’m not that person anymore, and there are serious things I really regret. It’s almost hard for me to believe I was born in the forties (well the end of them anyway). I grew up during the famous “Happy Days”. Do you realize how different things were back then from what’s going on today? Just to really bring it home, we didn’t even have TV! I remember when the first family on the block got a TV. Suddenly everyone wanted to be that little girl’s friend so we could go over and watch it. And it was all of two channels in black and white. Woo Hoo!
  The first president I remember was Dwight Eisenhower. I remember sock hops, car hops, and pinball machines. We never locked our doors and the windows stayed open all night in the summer time…no AC…just an attic fan. No AC at school either. I know you people up north are used to that, but in Southeast Texas in the summer we’re talking hot and duct tape humidity (very sticky)! Phones were huge and heavy, and there was a party line in the neighborhood. You often had to wait for a neighbor to get off the line so you could make a call. Not that we kids called anyone. Who you gonna call? All your best buds lived right there in the neighborhood. You just knocked and said, “Can Johnny come out and play?” Baseball games and football games were on just about every day in the summer and most evenings after school too.
  I remember the first transistor radio I got. Such an amazing thing and so small. I used to lay on my top bunk at night listening to music and marveling at it. And the radio station I listened to was one of the few AM stations in town…KOLE and they called it King Kole. It played a variety of music. There wasn’t a separate station for each genre like there is now. And FM radio? No that was future tech. Little did I know then that the techno age was just about to bust loose. The biggest difference from back then to now, I think, was people were more respectful and less fearful of the future. I look at society today, and it almost makes me cry to see what we’ve lost over the years. We all grew up with a sense of community then that is all but gone today. I don’t even know most of my neighbors now, and they seem to prefer it that way. Speaking of music…that whole British Invasion thing really made an impression on me. I loved Elvis, but he had to move over when the Beatles hit the scene. I remember my step-father saying that they wore wigs because a man couldn’t grow his hair that long. It just wasn’t natural. We all started growing ours to prove him wrong. He hated that.
  I remember watching the nightly news on our brand new round screen black and white TV and it was just the news. No opinions, no arguing, no talking over each other. Walter Cronkite was the man back then. But I usually missed that anyway, because my step-father insisted we get all our homework done before watching TV. School was mostly torture to me. I was so terribly shy. And I started really being attracted to girls in the fourth grade. But I could never get up the nerve to actually talk to one. So, crushes usually ended up crushing me because the girl of my dreams always got scooped up by some brainless jock. I have very few memories of elementary school. Either it was too traumatic for me to remember or that uneventful. I always made good grades without halfway trying. I was always reading and learning…I just wasn’t interested in what they wanted us to read and learn. High school was pure hell for me, and I couldn’t wait to get out of there.
  I went on my first date when I was a senior. My two best friends conspired with a girl that had her eye on me and tricked me into going to a dance with them. Bad news was, I didn’t know how to dance. But I somehow survived high school and got a job after graduation to hold me over until I left for the military. The plan was to go into the Air Force. That didn’t work out so well, because of the draft notice I got on my 19th birthday. So, it was the ground pounding Army for me all the way for the next four years. This was during the height of the Vietnam war, so exciting times. I lucked out, though, and spent 2 years in the Republic of Panama instead. That allowed me to come home and marry the girl of my dreams (yeah I finally managed to dream the right dream!). I was 20 years old when Linda and I got married and I was still a virgin up until our wedding night. How many people can say that these days? Different times indeed.
  After having two beautiful kids and landing a great job at one of the local refineries, I thought I was on track to accomplish all my dreams. For a little icing on the cake and to use Uncle Sam’s GI Bill, I decide to also go to college. I did well in college. But it was like a circus juggler that just gets one too many plates spinning on the end of those sticks. It all came tumbling down. My life was a very traumatic roller coaster ride from that point on. I’m sure you can get the gist of it from some of the previous articles I’ve written here on this blog. So I won’t go into all that.
  But my how times have changed. People are angry so much more now. And I tend to think it’s more from a deep-seated fear brought on by our sense of impending doom. Is there doom and gloom waiting around the corner? I don’t know, but I’m not worried. One other thing that’s changed in all this time, is that I’ve discovered a deep faith and trust in God. Once I came to my faith, I didn’t change completely overnight. It was a slow, steady process. But without this transformation, I know I would not be celebrating a 68th birthday at all. Loved ones have come and gone. I have loved them all deeply and with all my heart. Most of the older generation of my family is gone now, and it’s shocking for me to realize that I’m now the older generation. How did such a thing sneak up on me like that? Time – the ultimate school teacher. You can learn a lot given enough time, and you just pay attention. The problem with Time though is eventually, she kills all her students.

  My message to the younger generation…pay attention. Learn all you can. Learn to roll with the punches. Don’t worry so much. Tomorrow always takes care of itself. Don’t count God out of the equation. You can find Him simply by looking into the deeper mysteries of religion or science (yes science will get you there, but you have to look deep into it and be honest). Don’t fall for what passes as Religion or get caught up in the Religion of Science. Once Jesus (the best friend you always wished you had) begins to walk beside you, all that other nonsense begins to fall by the wayside. And the most important lesson of all…don’t lay up all your treasures here on Earth. You can’t take them with you. Anything you can stack one on top of another is worthless in the long run, including money. Love and memories go with you always. And your good deeds you will wear as clothing in paradise. May all of you that haven’t yet, live to see your 68th Birthday with a smile on your face as I have. And for the younger generations – keep your arms and legs inside, seat belts buckled up, and enjoy the ride.